Back burner bitch

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Back burner bitch.
If you're unfamiliar with the term
First off, you're lucky.
Secondly, let me explain
A back burner bitch is never a priority
They're the person that's kept around
Just in case
They are a convenience
A fall back
Sometimes they only serve one purpose
Whether it be drugs, sex, or
Just because you KNOW that they will be there
No matter what.

I am a back burner bitch.
You'll say that you love me
That you miss me
You need me
Want ONLY me
But you'll always have someone else
Someone better
Someone that you will leave me for
Oh. And when you leave?
It's not easy
It's like you're a fucking whirlwind storm
That takes everything I have
Everything I hold dear
And everything that I've worked to build

I don't seem to learn
No matter how many times you've fucked me over
I always come back
I'm always there
I'll always love you
I let you back in
Opening myself right back up
To the destruction
And the pain

After all is said and done
Somehow I end up as the bad guy
Always in the wrong
But it's fine.
It's fucking peachy.
I'll just be gathering what little I can
Salvage from the most recent disaster
Only to retake my post
Continue doing what I do best
Being the back burner bitch.

Things unsaidOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora