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1. Certain to happen; unavoidable
1. A situation that is unavoidable
Most things in this world can be defined
As just that

Statistically speaking
After you've been sexually assaulted
Once there's a 75% chance it will happen
That percentage changes to 85-95
If you choose to go to college.

I have been raped 4 times.
Statistically I'm fucked
(No pun intended)
That is inevitable.
Dealing with the monsters that
Commit those crimes
Is unfortunately also

For example
A month ago as of yesterday
I got my first tattoo
A month ago yesterday
I was sitting in a tattoo shop with my mom
And my best friend in basically a tube top
As I got my tattoo
Yesterday I learned, a month afterwards,
That the guy who tattooed my chest
Is a registered sex offender.

I had no knowledge of his crimes
Not until a month after
I could not have avoided that moment
I went into that shop
Nothing will change the facts
I cannot change what happened

What I can change
Is how I view my situations.
Statistical analysis could never account
For the unpredictable variable
Known as me.
I will no longer allow myself to be defined
As a number in that statistic

Wars will happen
The ice caps are melting
Tomorrow will come
I will graduate
I am going to college
And I will not be defined by that fucking
THAT is inevitable.

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