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Now that you've decided things for me
I've got a lot of it.
In the mornings I wake up early
Just to sit around till it's okay to leave
After school I go straight home
To sit and think
In classes I find the minutes tick by slower
Than they would if you were texting me
All of this new found free time
Makes me aware of just how lonely I am
Just how stupid this whole thing was
Just how much I don't need you
Even if I feel like I do
And just how much I need to love me first
So, in some twisted disturbed way,
I guess I should thank you
"For what?"
For confirming to me just how messed up the world is
For helping me build my walls back up
For taking my virginity like some trophy
To flash for all to see
For making me numb to others
For breaking me.
I thank you for this
Because I know that I will eventually get stronger
This experience will help shape me into
A better me

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