One time

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At one point in time
I trusted you
I let you in
Told you what makes me tick
Let you know how fucked up I truly am
All of you know

We would hangout everyday
Talk like we hadn't seen each other in
Spend the night at each other's houses
We would tell one another how much
They meant to us
How much we trusted them
How much we loved and cared for them
We would tell each other everything
Be there to pick each other up

Things changed.
I cut the toxicity out
Instead of staying with me
You followed the sickly sweet poison
You hurt me.
You scare me.
You know exactly how to fuck me up.
And you did.

Instead of picking me up
You are now the one knocking me down
You no longer care about me
We don't talk
The few times we do it's all arguments
I no longer trust you
Now you're all just strangers
With my secrets.

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