"What are you thinking about?"

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"What're you thinking about?"
"How are you?"
These are loaded words
My mind constantly races
At any given time I could list
Hundreds of things on my mind.
The question I think is
"Which one do you want to hear?"
Do you want to hear how I feel like a disappointment?
How I feel so utterly alone and useless?
How I'm thinking my family will continue without me?
Or do you want to hear the mundane things?
Like what I'm gonna wear tomorrow?
If he likes me too?
That I need a smoke
Was there homework?
Do you actually care to hear my thought?
Or are you just asking out of habit?
Which one is it?
If you actually care then I don't want you to worry
I won't tell you what I'm truly thinking
That would be too concerning

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