Crazy For You

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October 14th, 1964.

That night was absolutely dreadful.. I'm a strong women, but to my lover? I'm weak.

I guess love is a weakness for me.

I went to the bathroom to apply my makeup on.

Cover the marks and fake that smile.

Just like Mama always said. “You’re going to marry Dan. He’s a rich and nice boy.”

I frowned, growling at myself.

Just like my father?

I faked a laugh, covering the scratches on my face from the glass.

And yet I still have to cover the damn scares from a month..

Dan and I have been living here now for a good month and everything has changed. We've gotten a lot more money. Dan being my manager as well and all has found me some great places to perform at.

I love it, I can be free on the stage. Nobody will or can ever take that away from me.

The Beatles and I have gotten a lot more closer. I'm very close to Paul, but we do keep distance at times.

I'm closest to George and John.

I wish I was closer to Ringo. 

I'm actually surprised I've gotten so close to George. I never realized we both had a lot in common! At least personality wise..

He was so shy when he met me but now look. He just keeps talking and talking to me.

I had an interview today, diary. It went a little something like this.

Reporter: When do you think Dan and you will be getting married?

Lily: I hope soon. I love Dan dearly. He's been there through everything with me. We've taken a break from planning to focus on my career, but once we're steady with music then it's back to planning.

Reporter: So, tell us Lily. What's it like having The Beatles as your neighbors?

Lily: Well, it gets interesting. I'm the only girl basically in the neighbor, except for Paul's girlfriend Jane and Ringo's girlfriend Mo, who come around as often as they can. But it's pretty great, they are really lovely lads. It can get crazy, of course.

Reporter: In three words, describe each Beatle for us.

Lily: Oh... Wow.... Um... Paul McCartney? Cute. Seducer. McCharmly. George Harrison? Shy. Understanding. Sweet. Ringo Starr? Short. Funny. Adorable.

Report: What about John Lennon?

Lily: John? Oh. my.god.

The audience laughs.

Lily: Wait, wait! That's not the three words I was using to describe him, but you can use many words to describe him!

Reporter: Like what?

Lily: Well... Rebel, charmer, ladies man, cute, funny, smart, sweet, creative... The list can go on and on!

Reporter: Aww... Well that's nice. If I didn't know any better I'd think you had a little crush on John.

The reporter smirked.

Lily: Ha, good one. I'm taken by a very lovely man, Dan. I'm very much in love already.

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