She's Out Of My Life

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April 17th, 1967. 

Dear Diary,

I'm sorry I haven't written in you for two years. In two years, so many things have changed.. Mostly for The Beatles.

Within two years, the boys have released the following albums.


Rubber Soul


And soon it'll be Magical Mystery Tour and Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.

I can just tell that The Beatles has changed the face of music dramatically. If not, then they definitely will once the next two albums are released. I'm so proud of the boys. Extremely proud.

Speaking of change for them, they've gotten into drugs. I won't judge them on taking drugs, but it's really effecting how they act around people. George takes LSD and smokes with his, new, wife Pattie Boyd. A gorgeous model and a very sweet girl.

Paul takes LSD but not with Jane. In fact, they broke up back in 1966. Paul wasn't completely heartbroken. I mean, he was sad but it's his fault. He cheated on her for a woman named Francie Schwartz, a scriptwriter. Gosh.. As for Ringo? We've never been so close. Ringo got married back in 1965 to Mo, a very beautiful hairdresser. They even had a baby together in 1965! His name is Zak. He's the same age as Amy. A very cute kid he is. Now I'm not alone in the mom's club or parents club! Ha ha, Ringo!

John has taken LSD but the rumors were true. He does have a son with a girl named Cynthia Powell. She's a pretty girl.. No wonder she's his wife. John and Cynthia had Julian back in 1963. Mo has told me that John and Cynthia are hitting a rough patch. Cynthia is apparently trying to make it work but John just keeps on going to drugs.

I also heard he's been fooling around with other woman.

I can't help but feel really bad for Cynthia. Sure, Dan has never taken drugs but he drinks. I can understand how she'd be affected from LSD. They all take it except for Cynthia.

Also with change, they've all grown facial hair! All of them!

Ringo has a mustache, Paul has a mustache, George has a little beard and mustache and John had a mustache.

I must admit, it's pretty sexy.

George's facial hair is extremely sexy.. Pattie Boyd is one lucky woman.

Dan looks more like a Buddy Holly. He's just much more mean. Buddy Holly was cute but with Dan's attitude, it makes him less attractive.

While the boys have been out giving their last tours and living life, I've been stuck at home. Don't get me wrong, I love being a mother! Dan is just a piece of shit that won't change. We're still making some money but we're starting to run out.. So that means I'll have to start recording again.

Once I start recording again, I'll have to perform again. Performing again means I'll have to leave my daughter. I love her too much. I don't want to leave my little girl by herself.

Of course, she wouldn't be by herself. You know what I mean, diary. I'm already writing songs for some albums in the future! It's all happy and all about love. Love for my daughter. How my daughter has brought my happiness. All for her.

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