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The next morning I called George over.

Oh god, what is he going to think? What if he yells at me?

Lily, you need to stop worrying. Just get it over with, you love John... Don't deny it.

Someone knocked on my door.

Time to face the truth..

I opened the door, "Hello, George" I smiled at him.

He nodded at me and made his way inside my home, taking his shoes off.

He plopped himself on the couch, "What's this about, Lily?" He asked rudely.

I sighed, sitting on the same couch as him, but no where near.

"George..." I slid the ring off my finger, slowly handing it to him.

"I can't marry you.." My head faced down, but I looked at George.

His eyes widened, "What? Why?" He played with the ring in his hand.

"George, we aren't in love. It was obviously just a fling. I.... I love John. I'm sorry. You should give this to a girl you truly love, not to a random friend."

He quickly got up, staring at me.

"After everything!? I.... I LOVE YOU, LILY! God damn it! Why are you blind?? Why don't you understand?! I want you, I love you, and-and I-I need you.." George fell to his knees crying.

My heart cracked, This is what I did to him..

"G-George, I love you. But.. It's not the same with you like John. We went into this to fast, George. I'm sorry..." 

"It's... it's because he has a bigger cock than me, isn't it?" He sobbed.

I softly chuckled, "No, that's not why George." He laughed as well.

"Silly reason, but it's something" He raised his eyebrows at me.

"Kidding" I assured him.

He got up from the floor, sitting back next to me.

"I know this lovely girl you should call, she's a model. I've met her at one of Mick's parties, you should meet her. She's a real beauty, her name is Pattie Boyd. I'm sure you two would get along."

He looked at me, "Give me time... but do give me this Pattie's number, please." 

I smiled at him, standing up to go get a note and writing her number on it.

"Here" I handed him the note. 

"This time, don't rush things, George." 

He smirked, "Promise."

He put his shoes back on and walked towards the door, before he left he looked at me.

"John is a lucky one, I tell ya that" he left.

I blushed.

Boy, he sure is something..

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