Lying for Magic

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They spent the rest of the afternoon at my place. Do I like lying to the rest of the boys? No. Will they ever know? I don't know. I like George a lot, and he likes me.. but it's not love we're after. It's just lust we agreed over. 

John walked up to me, "Are you sure you and George didn't do anything?" He looked at me, I laughed but once I looked at his face, he was dead serious. 

God, I hate lying to John especially. I liked the boy, but I don't know. I'm just getting confused. 

I sighed, "Yes, John." I said irritated "I'm sure George and I didn't do anything, I didn't drink a lot. He was drunk, and I looked after the young one. Youngest Beatle must make many mistakes, yeah?"

John chuckled, "I guess so... In Hamburg, in the beginning of our careers, George lost his virginity to a stripper, drunk. He felt so ashamed of it afterwards, he didn't want anyone to know. But that's kind of hard when the rooms are so close together, you could just hear George 'Oh! Oh, Jamie!! Yes!!! AHHH!!" 

I was uncontrollably laughing, trying to hush him before George could hear.

"Oh, don't worry about George... he needs to get over it already" He flipped his hand. 

I chuckled, but then I realized something Is George ashamed of what we did last night? Is he just saying we're friends with benefits from being under pressure? Oh god.

I shook my head. No, No.. it's not true. He meant it.

"Lily, are you okay?" John touched my shoulder.

I snapped back into reality, "Y-yeah... I'm alright. Just tired, I guess. It gets hard taking care of a drunk." I shrugged.

He chuckled, "Yeah, yeah. I guess so. Well, we should let you sleep, we'll take George off your hands."

"Before you do that, I need to have a word with him. But you all can leave. I'll send him home, alright?"

"Alright" John hugged me tightly. "Night, Lily." He kissed me on my forehead. I smiled.


Paul, Ringo and John left. It was just George and I alone. Let's confess.

"George, we need to talk about something" I told George, sitting down.

"Alright.." George sat next to me.

"Look, George... did you mean it back in the room? That we really will be doing this? Or were you feeling under pressured?"

He looked shocked. George quickly took my hands, "No, N-No Love. I meant it. It makes perfect sense to be doing this" he smiled. "I mean it." I smiled back at him. He leaned forward and kissed me. 

I kissed him back. He laid me down on the couch, kissing my lips passionately. He started to kiss my neck, making me softly chuckle. He growled at me. George whispered in my ear "How about we find the magical bedroom?" I smirked, "Alright, as long as you show me the good magic" he smirked back. "Will do.."

I ran into the bedroom, George was chasing me. I jumped on the bed, he ran into the room. George looked at me, lust filling his eyes. He smiled at me, taking his pants and shirt off. I took my clothing off on the bed, throwing them on the ground. He climbed on me.

 God, he's perfect..

He started kissing my lips, then my neck, making his way down then back up. I moaned softly, he smirked. "Oh, you like that?" George's voice was low... just sexy! I bit my lower lip, "Mhm..." is all I  could say. 

George pulled the blankets over us. 

That's when the real magic happened.

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