Tattooed Heart

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I spent the rest of yesterday cleaning around the house, though there was barely anything to clean.

It's now about 12 'oclock, I laid on my bed, wearing clothes I'm wearing for the day.

I smiled widely.

John's coming home! My lover!

The door knocked.

I softly screamed, John's here!

I jumped out of bed, running towards the door.

I opened the door quickly.

"Hey, Lily"

I sighed.

"Oh, hey Paul"

Paul smirked, "Aren't you happy to see me"

I raised my eyebrows at him, "Paul, now isn't the right time to visit me. I'm sorry, somebody special is coming over."

He raised his eyebrows at me, "Somebody special?" He smirked, "Like who?"

"I can't say, Paul please leave."

"Alright.. I'll call later" He kissed my cheek and jogged back to his car.

I blushed, touching my face gently.

I slowly closed the door.

John John John

That's all that's on my mind.


Within 15 minutes after Paul left, somebody knocked on my door.

I smiled widely again, rushing towards the door.

I quickly, again, opened the door.

There he was.

My smile wouldn't come off.

"Lily.." John smiled at me.

I pulled his arm quickly inside the home, he dropped his stuff close to the door.

I pulled him in for a tight hug.

"I've missed you" I whispered.

John stroked my hair, "I've missed you too.."


He put his things into my room.

"So, where does Yoko think you are?" I looked at John.

"California.." He smirked.

"But here... It's so much better than California."

I giggled, "Where you are with me it's perfect"

"You still look like the same beautiful Lily that I saw the last time" He looked at me up and down.

I blushed.

"I forgot how cute you are when you blush as well.." He gazed into my eyes.

Once again, I blushed.

"You still have your beard" I smirked.

He stroked his beard, "It's the only thing that really reminded me of you" He smiled.

"I keep hearing your songs on the radio, and our songs on the radio.. It brings back so many memories.." John trailed off.

"Yoko keeps trying to get me to make music with her, which I am forced into doing.. It's dreadful, Lily. The woman can't sing a note"

I giggled, "I admit, she's an interesting artist"

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