Chapter 1: Homecoming

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Chapter 1: Homecoming

On a cold night outside of a small city, a strange light ripped the night sky in half. Out of the "rip" walked what appeared to be a man. "I am out at last," he yelled. He then looked at a nearby road sign. It read, "Welcome to Angel Grove."

The next day, two former heroes of that very town walked out from the airport, the former Red Power Ranger, Jason Lee Scott, and the former Yellow Power Ranger, Trini lan Kwon. "My, it's good to be home," Jason said. "This is very true," Trini said. "So, um, how do we get to Kim's?" Jason asked. "Don't really know. She just said that someone would meet us here." Trini replied.

"Oh no, it's a monster!" yelled someone from behind Jason and Trini. The two former heroes dropped their bags and dropped into their fighting stances. "Hold on, I know that voice," Trini said. Jason and Trini turned to see Kim laughing. "You two really need to see your faces!" she said. "Kim, what are you doing here?" Jason asked. "Nice to see you again, too, Jason," Kim said.

The three walked to a hot pink convertible. "Wow! This has Kim's name all over it." Jason said. Kim opened her trunk and the two put their bags within. "So Kim, why are you back In Angel Grove?" Trini asked. Kim pulled up her left pant leg to reveal a foot cast. "Oh my god! What happened?" Jason asked. "I broke my foot," Kim said, getting into the car. Jason and Trini also jumped in, too. "What about the Olympics?" Jason asked. "I am not able now," Kim said in a very mundane voice. Jason and Trini exchanged glances. "You don't sound too broken up about that, Kim," Trini said. "I'm not, seeing as now I have now found my true calling," Kim explained. "What's that?" Jason asked. "I found that I loved teaching it more than doing it," Kim replied.

The three pulled up to the front of an old Victorian house. The house was newly painted with ten windows along the front of the house. Upon getting out of the car and walking up to the door, they could see two old hooks where a sign once hung. "WOW!" Jason exclaimed. "Kim, what was this place?" Trini asked. "Oh, this was once was my Grandmother's halfway house," Kim replied. "Wow!" Jason said again. Kim smiled and opened the door to a huge front room, with five blue lazy boy recliners and two tan long couches. "This is nice Kim," Trini said. "Thank you, Trini. There are rooms upstairs. Why don't you both go find a room and I will start dinner." Kim said. Jason and Trini nodded their heads and walked upstairs.

The bedrooms all looked the same. One large king-size bed, one cedar dresser, an oak nightstand, and, hanging on the wall, was a tv/DVD flat screen. There were walk-in closets, as well. Jason and Trini put their stuff away and walked back downstairs. The dining room, like all of the rooms in the house, was huge. There was a large marble table with ten chairs around it. In one of the chairs sat Kim. Jason and Trini joined her. Kim handed them bowls of soup. "It's clam chowder tonight," she said. Trini just smiled. "Works for me," Jason said.

The three talked afterward like friends of old would. "Know what I don't get?" Jason said. "What's that J?" Kim asked. "How it happened to be that we all came back to Angel Grove at the same time," Jason said with a grin. "Yeah, I noticed that too. It does seem a little odd. Right?" Trini said. The three exchanged glances once again and then, they headed off to bed. As they slowly drifted off to sleep, they all pondered what Jason had said. Once they had fallen asleep, they thought they were going to get a good night's rest. Boy, were they wrong!

Jason lay sleeping in his bed tossing and turning. Within his dreams, he was walking down a dark hallway. When he got to the end, there was a long stone door with a red suit of armor. Jason reached out to touch it and the suit seemed to come to life. "What the?" Jason yelled, jumping back. "So, you have come to wake the dragon, have you?" the man in the suit said. "Wow! I have no clue what you are talking about." Jason Replied.

The man drew his sword. "I am not here to fight you," Jason said. "My name is Johan and this is where you are wrong, Jason. You have come to fight!" Johan yelled, running toward Jason. Jason assumed a fighting stance. "How do you know my name!" he yelled, backflipping away from Johan. "Let's just say that we are related in a way," Johan replied. Jason just stood there. Johan drew back his sword and ran at Jason. Jason backflipped again causing Johan to miss. "I am not going to fight you!" Jason said again. The long stone door, that Johan was standing in front of, opened to reveal a huge red dragon. Jason looked on with awe. Johan claimed this moment to frontally kick Jason in the chest, hard. Jason flailed back and landed on his back. Johan pointed the sword at his throat. "You lose," Johan said. Jason's eyes fell to the dragon. "If you are to have my powers you must try harder." the dragon said. At that moment, Jason awoke and sat up quickly. He grabbed his chest in pain from where he had been kicked. "What the?" Jason said. "Have his power? What's going on here?" Jason asked.

Trini lay in her bed stiff as a board, for in her dreams, she was tied to a rock in the middle of a volcano. High above her, she could see what looked like a bird. "Help me!" she called out to the bird-like thing that was beginning to descend. "Someone please help me!" she yelled out again. Now, the bird-shaped thing was before her, and she could see that it was not a bird at all but a beautiful horse with wings with a horn coming out of its forehead. Trini examined the horse. "My god, you're a pegacorn," Trini said. The Pegacorn nodded its head and bit the ropes that held Trini in place. Trini got to her feet and stood face to face with the Pegacorn. "How can I thank you?" Trini asked. "Come find me, Trini." said the Pegacorn. Then, Trini slowly awoke. She was dripping sweat from the heat of the lava. "Come find you? That was just a dream, right?" Trini asked, wiping the sweat off of her brow. "What's going on?" she asked.

In Kim's dream, we find her at the Olympics giving a killer show on the balance beam. She did three backflips then initiated a triple backflip landing perfectly. The crowd yelled out her name and Tommy was there to give her the gold medal. Just as he went to hand it to her, the sky darkened and men in all black jumped out of nowhere. One grabbed Tommy and carted him off. The others started to attack Kim. She tried to fight them off, but their numbers just grew and grew. Right before Kim was covered up in the dog pile, she saw a beautiful griffin. "You must let go of fear if you are going to find me." the griffin said. Kim suddenly rolled out of her bed, which awoke her instantly. "Okay?" Kim said, getting to her feet and back into the bed. Kim could feel the pain and fear that the men in black gave her. "Find you?" Kim pondered.

At seven A.M., their alarms began to go off. The three stumbled out of bed and got dressed and made their way down to the front room. They all looked like crap. They exchanged looks. "So it was not just me that had a bad dream?" Kim asked. "No. I would by our looks, it was all of us." Trini replied. "What was in that clam chowder," Jason said with a smile.

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