Chapter 8: Help form the wind

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Now as for Trini, she was teleported outside a huge, old mansion. Trini slow made here way up to the door. Once there, she goes for the door handle but starts to here cracking under her feet. "Now that can't be good." Trini says. Just then a trap door under her feet swings open and Trini falls down, hitting her head hard.

Once she comes to, she can see that she is in a huge square room with only one doorway out. "Well looks like that is where I am going," Trini says and walks out the door. Doing This leads here to a long hallway. Trini continues down this hallway for more or less a mile. The hallway looks to keep on going forever. "What is this place? I mean do I just keep going." Trini says. "No, not at all love." A male voice says.

Trini quickly spins around trying to find the voices. "Down here love." The voice says. Trini looks down and spots a small, fluffy, yellow worm. "Did you says that?" Trini asks. "Yes, I did my lady. I am Fu," Fu says. "Well, Fu, do you know where I go from here?" Trini asks. "Yes, yes I do the way you seek is right behind you," Fu says. Trini turns and looks at the wall. "there is nothing there." Trini says. "Is that so? Try leaning on it then," Fu says with a smile. Trini nods and goes to lean on it, but falls on her back. She gets up and looks. The worm was right, now she could see a new pathway that was leading left. "Thank you, Fu," Trini says and with a wave, she starts down the hallway. "She falls for that every time," Fu says with a laugh.

Trini runs down the hallway tell she comes to two doors with yellow faces on them. "Ok, which door?" Trini asks. "That is the question." The door on the left says. "No no, the true question is where do they lead to." The door on the right says. "Trini looked at them. "So you can talk, too." She says. "Yes we can talk.. what are doors quiet where you're from?" Asks the door on the right. "No time for that, she seeks the power of Ultra, My lady you can ask us one question." Says the door on the left. "Yes, true, but one of us lies and the other only tells the truth." Says the door on the right. "Only one?" Trini says. "Yes" Says the door on the left. "No.," says the door on the right. "Hold up that was not my question," Trini says. "Too bad that's all you get Lady." Says the door on the right.

Trini starts to cry and falls to her Knees. "No what door do I pick," Trini asks in tears. Out of nowhere comes a gust of wind. The wind knocks Trini over. "Nice now the wind is not on my side," Trini says. Out of the wind walks a lovely Asian woman. "Trini get up!" Says the women. Trini gets up and looks at her. "who are you?" Trini asks. "Well I am you or more to the point you are me but you can call me Tangea." Tangea says. Trini gets up and dry's off here tears. "Can you show me the way out?" Trini asks. "No, I cannot show you the way, but I can tell you this: trust in the wind it will lead you to what you seek," Tangea says and disappears. "Listen to the wind?" Trini says.

Trini closes her eyes and slows down her breathing. She starts to hear a hoof stomp and a heartbeat. Trini starts to move to the sound. Once the sound gets louder she opens her eyes. Trini is standing right in front of the left door. "So you're the one," Trini says. The door opens and standing there is a yellow Pegacorn. "You're so beautiful," Trini says. "Thank you for saving me Trini to gain my power yell out Yellow Pegacorn with your morpher to the sky." Says the pegacorn and it disappears. Trini pulls out her morpher and yells out "Yellow Pegacorn!" and is morphed into the Yellow Ultra Ranger. "All right I did it now back to the command center to see if the others are back." Yellow Ranger says and teleports out.

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