Chapter 3: The Red Dragon

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Jason was teleported to a desert on the outside of town. "So this is where I have to start," Jason says and looks out into the desert. Jason spots something shining in the distance. "Now just what is that," Jason says and starts off for it. Jason walks through the hot desert but is not thirsty at all. "This is ward it's so hot but I don't need a drank at all and I am talking to myself," Jason says.

Jason long walk brings him to a huge temple with the symbol of the Red Dragon. "This must be it" Jason morpher starts to glow. Jason pulls it out and holds it up. The door of the temple swings open and a huge gust of wind comes flying out knocking Jason down. "Well, that's not nice." Jason backflips and gets to his feet and walks into the temple. The Torches on the wall light of the fire on their own. "Well, that just doesn't look good." The light leads down a long hall. At the end, there are two more hallways one leads to the left the other to the right. "Well looks like I need to pick."

Jason looks over the halls. The one to the left was dark and felt cold. The right one was all lit up and warm. "Now this is just too easy. I know if I go down the one that looks to be nice and warm and all sunny like, I will walk right into a trap." Jason starts to go down the left one but stops. "Then again if I was the one making this place I would make it wrong where the dark hall is the trap." Jason turns around and walks down the hallway to the right.

This hallway leads him to a stone door. In this door, there is a red suit of armor the same one from his dream. "So I was right it was this hallway." Jason walks over and puts his hand on the suit and as in his dream, the suit comes to life. "So at long last Jason you have come I am the Dragon Knight Johan." Johan says drawing his sword. "So are you the one that will give me the Ultra Powers?" Jason says. "No I am not It's my job to make sure you don't get the power," Johan says. Jason smiles and drops into a fighting stance. "Sorry, Johan but I am getting the Ultra power like it or not."

Johan runs at Jason his sword drawn back high. Jason drops down to his back and with both feet throws Johan up and over him into a wall. "You're not bad Jason," Johan says. Jason back flips to his feet. "I know." Johan again runs at Jason but right at the last minute he moves and to a slide kick. That nicks Jason off his feet. Johan then jumps up and kick Jason within the chest hard. Blood spews out of Jason moth. Jason slow gets up and spits out more blood. "Ok, that's it no more nice Ranger!" Jason yells out. "Hahaha, you're no power ranger," Johan says. Jason runs right at Johan. Johan swings back his sword, but before he can ever attack Jason jumps and flips over him and back Johan hard in the back. This sends Johan flying into a wall and his sword flying out of his hand. The sword lands at Jason's feet right as Johan falls to the ground.

Jason picks up the sword and walks over pointing the tip of the sword at Johan Throat. "You're right I am no Power Ranger I am an Ultra Ranger!" Johan nods and disappears. Jason Walks over the huge stone door and holds up the sword. "I did it I won the right for the Ultra Power!" Jason Yells and the door slow starts to open. Once the door is all the way open Jason can see a huge Red Dragon.

The Dragon Opens his eyes and turns his head to Jason. "So the first part of your Quest is done you fund the Ultra power of the Red Dragon. All you must do is hold your Morpher to the sky and yell out Red Dragon." The Dragon says and in a flash of red light is gone. Jason pulls out his Morpher and holds it up. "RED DRAGON!" In a flash of blinding red light, Jason is morphed into the Red Ultra Ranger.

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