Chapter 16: The past, present and, future. Part 2

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"How can we be 15 years into the future?" Zack asks. "I would guess that the portal that opened up and brought us here is some kind of temporal rift." Billy explained. "Umm come again?" Kim asks. "He is saying it was a time portal moving us in to the future." Trini says. "That is what I just said." Billy replies. "That's all well and good but I'd like to know how this is our future." Jason says "Shenon did says that the Nega rangers came from one of our possible future timelines, maybe it is this one." Tommy says. "Ya that has to be it." Kim adds.

"Well standing here is going to do us no good. Let's head for the command center." Jason says. "Good idea bro." Tommy says. The team push the teleport button on there communicators but nothing happens. "That's not good." Kim says. Jason looks around "I don't thank we're that far from the mountains." he says. "Looks like we are walking it." Zack says with a small chuckle. The team begins to make there hike, after about an hour and a half they reach the command center. What was left of it that is. "My god." Tommy says. "Shenon, Alpha!" Kim yells and run into the destroyed building.

Back in the present, Alpha 5 is having a meltdown of his own. "IyyyyI." Alpha says frantically, typing on one of the keyboards. "Alpha what is wrong?" Zordon asks. "I can't find the Rangers anywhere." Alpha says. "I was afraid of this." Shenon says. "Drakkon must of moved them through time." Zordon says. "I think so. I felt in imbalance in the timeline." Shenon adds. Just then all the alarms go off. "Iyyyi the nega rangers are attacking downtown." Alpha says. Shenon looks up at Zordon. "I think it's time brother." Shenon says. "Yes I thank your right. Alpha please locate the other two chosen ones." Zordon says. "Right away Zordon." Alpha repliess and starts typing.

As our heroes enter the Command Center of the future, there fears are thrown into overdrive. There is nothing inside it, but burnt out ruble. "What happened here?" Tommy asks. "We lost." Trini says. Jason kicks one of the old cracked computers. "How did this happen I mean really what is going on here." Jason asks.

"Do you really want to know?" says a dark evil female voice. They turn back to the doorway to see Two Nega Ranger girls standing there. One Green, the other Silver. Our heroes drop into their fighting stances. "Do you honestly think you can win?" Nega Silver says. "We're going to try." Zack says. "It would be a waste of our time to fight you. Your powers don't work here." Nega Green says and snaps her fingers and Negafighters appear. "Oh come on we can so wipe the floor with them." Kim says. "You think so pinky." Nega Silver says. The Negafighters attack our heroes and the Negafighters make easy work of them. "How?" Tommy asks. "You're nothing here and I don't know why the Master wants you alive, but I do know it will not be nice." Nega Silver says. "Take them to their new home." Nega Green says.

In cells Tommy, Zack, Billy, Kim, and Trini wake up in there own cells. "What happened?" Zack asks. "We are powerless and in a dungeon." Kim says. They all look around and try to see if there is any way out. "This place is like Alcatraz." Tommy says. "Umm Tommy I think it is Alcatraz." Billy says. "That is right this is Alcatraz." Nega Green says walking into the cell room."What!" Billy says. "You heard me the master made this his new base and let me tell you he has found all kinds of uses for it." Nega Green says as the negafighters walk in dragging a very beaten and unconscious Jason. "My God what have you done!" Trini asks. "The master just had some fun with him is all." Nega Silver says walking in behind the negafighters. the Negafighters throw Jason into a cell. "Master wanted to see us." Nega Silver says to Nega Green and the two walk off and the negafighters disappear.

Tommy was the closest one to Jason's cell so he walks over and puts his hand through the cell and gently push on Jason's shoulder. "Bro talk to us are you ok?" Tommy asks. Jason slowly starts to come to. "Oh man it's not a dream." Jason says slowly getting to his feet. "Jason what happens when we came to you were gone and we were all in here." Billy says. "Being the leader, I was taken to their Master, a being by the name of Lord Drakkon. He is the most powerful evil force I have ever seen." Jason explains. "More powerful than Negalord?" Kim asks. "Hun he is Negalord's boss. This is not just one of the futures, this is our own future timeline." Jason says. "This can't be, we cant lose to the forces of darkness." Tommy says. "We don't just lose we get killed, but the timeline is in flux." Jason explains. "Come again?" Kim asks. "Flux he means that the timeline is not stable." Trini says. "Thats right." Billy adds. "So then we can change it." Zack says. "We were changing it. That is why Drakkon sent his Nega Rangers to the present to stop us." Jason explands.

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