Chapter 15: The past, present and, future. Part 1

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We join our heroes enjoying a nice lunch at Erin's. "It's so busy today." Kim says hugging Tommy's arm. "Ya the Navy reunion is here in Angel Grove this year." Erin replies. "Hey Trini your uncle is Navy right?" Billy asks. "Ya Uncle Jim." Trini replays. "I remember him." Zack says. "You do?" Kim asks. Jason lets out a small sigh. "Ya we met him and Trini's cousin in Japan." Zack replies. "Oh at the conference?" Tommy asks. "Kind of. We were in Japan for a little bit." Zack explains.

Jason stands up and walks off sad looking. "Whats with him?" Billy asks. Trini kicks Zack from under the table. "Ow!" Zack shouts. "Nice one Zack." Trini says. "What?" Tommy asks. "Jason and my cousin Haylin got close." Tini says. "Oh god I am so stupid." Zack says slapping his forehead. "How close are we talking?" Kim asks. " He loved her." Zack says with his head down. "Did she feel the same?" Billy asks. "Oh ya." Trini replays.

Jason walks through the park thinking of the past. Just then, Negafighters appear all around him. "You just made a big mistake!" Jason yells dropping in to his fighting stance, then Negafighters attack Jason and he quickly makes easy work of them. "Anyone else?" Jason shouts out. From behind him he hears clapping. Jason turns to see a red look alike ranger. "Not bad." The Rangers says. "And who are you?" Jason asks. "Oh yes we haven't met yet. I am Nega Red." Nega Red says.

"You're kidding me right?" Jason asks. "Sorry but no." Nega Red says and in a blink of an eye hits Jason with a powerful side kick. Jason topples over and falls to his knees. "I don't remember you being this weak, but you were older when we met." Nega Red says and disappears. "What?" Jason says as he pass out.

"Jason... Jason can you hear me?" A female voice says as Jason starts to come to. "Haylin?" Jason mumbles. "Ya Hot head, its me." Haylin replies. Jason's eyes pop open to see an Asian girl standing over him. "Haylin it is you." He says smiling. "Ya I know I told you it was." Haylin says smiling back at him.

Back at the juice bar, Erin was in for a blast from his own past. Erin was standing talking to the other rangers so he never saw a young indian girl with long brown hair and purple bangs enter. "UNCLE E!" she shouts. Everyone turns and looks at her. "C.C.?" Erin asks. "Bingo! Junny tell him what he has won." C.C. says. That makes Zack snicker.

C.C. runs over and hugs Erin. "You never said you had brothers or sisters." Kim says. "Or cute nieces." Zack adds. C.C. smiles a little at Zack. "Oh he don't have any siblings." C.C. replies. "But you called him Uncle." Trini says. " C.C. is my goddaughter. Her dad and I were the best of friends in the peace corps." Erin explains. "Yeppers Erin is the Godfather." C.C. says with a giggle.

"So what bring you to Angel Grove?" Tommy asks. "Moving here with a friend of mine." C.C. says looking over their room. "Strange she should be here by now." She adds. "Like us to help you look for her." Trini asks. C.C. smiles big and nods. "What's her name?" Billy asks. "Oh just Haylin Tonbo." C.C. says with a huge smile.

Over in the park Jason's strength has returned to him and the two have moved to the Zen Garden in the park. "How can this be?" Jason asks. "C.C." Haylin replies. "Ya need a bit more than that dragonfly." Jason says. This makes Haylin smiles. "It's nice hearing you call me that. C.C. is my best friend and Erin's goddaughter." she says. "Oh so your just here to visit." Jason says with a heavy sigh. "No her godfather stashed her at the recorder's office. I am staying." Haylin says. This makes Jason smile big time.

As the team find Jason and Haylin their communicators go off. "What's that?" C.C. asks. "It mines we're late for something." Zack says. Jason sighs and stands up. "Sorry Haylin but I have to go." He says as they all run off. "Ok that's weird." Haylin says. "Strange group but cute guys." C.C. says with a giggle.

Once at the command center the Rangers "Whats going on?" Jason asks. "A large dark power has come through the time vortex." Shenon explains. " I know I met some of that dark power." Jason says. "You did?" Shenon asks. "Ya called himself Nega Red. It looked just like my ranger form but darker." Jason explains. "It's too soon. It can't be them." Shenon says. "What do you mean?" Trini asks. "The Nega Rangers are a group of evil Rangers that are your powers dark copies." Shenon explains. "But you said it was too soon." Kim says. "As you know I am the keeper of time so I can see all possible timelines. In one of your future timelines the nega rangers appear to destroy all of you." Shenon explains.

Just the the alarms start to sound "Iyayayayai Nega Rangers are attacking people in the park." Alpha says. "Time to go to work." Zack says. "Right! Its Morphing time!" Jason shouts,

"White Phoenix!" Tommy Yells.
"Black Chimera!" Zack Yells.
"Pink Griffin!" Kim Yells.
"Blue Kraken!" Billy Yells.
"Yellow Pegacorn!" Trini Yells
"Red Dragon!" Jason Yells.

The Rangers are teleported to the park were Negafighter's are attacking people. "We have to..." The red ranger says, but gets cut off when a Negafighter flies past him and hits a tree. The Rangers turn to see Haylin and C.C. battling Negafighters and wining. "Hey you two get out of here." The White ranger shouts. Out of nowhere the rangers get blasted by a huge dark energy ball. "What the?" C.C. asks. The two girls turn to see the nega rangers standing there holding a huge cane. "Yep time to go." Haylin says and the two take off running.

The Ultra rangers stand up and watch as the Nega Rangers turn their cane into six weapons. "Told you it would not kill them." Nega Pink says. "So you did what a bummer." Nega White says. "Not at all now we kill them with are own two hands." Nega Black says. "A good point." Nega Blue says "Stop talking and attack!" Nega Red says and the charge the Ultra rangers.

The Ultra Rangers summon their weapons and attack the Nega's head on. The battle was in an instance spread out all over the park. The nega had no care for human life and often throwing people at the Ultra rangers. "J I don't know how much longer our bodies can hold out." The Blue ranger says. "Oh you poor babies." Nega Blue says with a snicker. As night starts to fall the Ultra rangers began to lose all strength. "we can't win." The Pink rangers says. "That was never an option sweety." Nega pink says and spin kicks the pink ranger to the ground. "Let's end this, we still need to find them after all." Nega Red says standing on the red rangers helmet. As the Nega rangers go to finish off the rangers the sky opens and sucks our hero into a portal. "Ha ha ha looks like master wants the honor of killing them himself." Nega Blue says.

As soon as the Rangers fall out of the portal they were powered down. "Ok that was luck." Kim says. "I don't know about that." Trini says looking around. "My god!" Billy shouts. Angel Grove looks destroyed as if it head seen a war. Jason walks over and picks up a paper. "No way!" He says. "What?" Tommy asks. "It's 2026." Jason says holding up the paper. The lead story reads the Death of the Ultra Rangers.

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