Chapter 11: the power of Ultra!

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"Not so fast Ultra Rangers," Negalord says walking up. "Your monster is toast!" The Red Ranger says. "Is that so? You Ultra Rangers never change, do you? Rise up my monster. Grow and destroy." Negalord says waving his claw over the blown up parts of Corgan. Corgan's remains start to glow and, in a flash of light, Corgan is restored and grown to giant size. "Now Corgan is big and bad!" Corgan says with a laugh. "Let's see what you do know Rangers," Negalord says and disappears.

"Ok Rangers time for the big guns." The Red Ranger says. Corgan stomps his giant foot at the Rangers. They jump out of the way in the nick of time. "Alpha we need the Mythic Zords!" The Red Ranger yells. Six giant robots fly in. They are in the shape of a Red Dragon, White Phoenix, Black Chimera Blue Kraken, Pink Griffin and, Yellow Pegacorn. "Sweet!" The Pink Ranger yells. The Rangers jump into their Zords.

"Jason logging on," The Red Ranger says. "Tommy here, this is sweet." The White Ranger says. "Zack here, this is kicking!" The Black Ranger says. "Billy here, this is truly morphinominal!" The Blue Ranger says. "Kim here, nice stereo." The Pink Ranger says. "Trini here, this is so cool." The Yellow Ranger says. "All right Rangers, let's show this monster what we got!" The Black Ranger says. "Right!" The others yell.

The Red Dragon flies right at Corgan blowing fire on him. With two of Corgan's massive hands, he knocks the Red Dragon out of his way. "Phoenix Wing-blade!" The White Ranger says. The wings of the Phoenix start to glow a beautiful white. The Phoenix Zord fly's right at Corgan cutting off his left arm. Corgan yells out from the pain. With his other arm, he grabs the Phoenix Zord and starts to shake it.

"Tommy!" The Pink Ranger yells. "Yes, help would be nice." The White Ranger says. The Griffin and Chimera Zords bite into Corgan's legs. The Kraken Zord grabs Corgan's arms as tight as it can. The Pegacorn Zord kicks Corgan in the back of the head. Corgan, at last, lets the Phoenix go from all the attacks. The Dragon Zord flies back in. "Ok, Rangers I think it's time for the Ultra Zords first fight." The Red Ranger says. The six push a gold button and their joystick moves sideways to start up.

The Red Dragon's legs and wings fold up into his body. "Form arms and body." The Red Ranger says. The wings and legs of the Griffin and Chimera Zord fold into their body and they join to the shoulders of the Red Dragon. "Form Feet and legs." The Red Ranger says. The arms and legs of the Kraken fold into its body and its head moves to the to the center of its body and it joins with the Red Dragon's left leg. The wings and legs fold into the Pegacorns body and its head moves to the small of its back and it joins with the Red Dragon's right leg. "Form Wings and back." The Red Ranger says. The Phoenix Zord folds up its legs and spreads its wings and attaches to the Red Dragon's back. "And I will form the head." The Red Ranger says and the mouth of the Red Dragon opens showing the faces of the Ultra Zord.

"Ok, Corgan you're going to get it know." Yellow Ranger says as they all meat in the cockpit. "Oh look here's a new toy for me to break," Corgan says. "Not!" The Pink Ranger says. "Ok, Rangers let's do this." The Red Ranger says. "Right!" The others yell. "You're joking with me right," Corgan says. The Ultra Zord starts towards Corgan. Corgan runs at them with his arms out. Once Corgan is inches from the Ultra Zord it spreads its wings and flips over him and kicks him hard and the back of the head. Corgan stumbled from the attack. Ultra Zord does a spinning heel kick, but Corgan grabs the kick.

Ultra Zord throws a hard punch, but Corgan grabs that, too. "We can't get free." The Black Ranger says. "Time for me to destroy you," Corgan says and starts to pull the Ultra Zord in two. "Jason we can't take much more of this." The Yellow Ranger says. "Trini is right body strength in down to 50%." The Blue Ranger says. "Nice Billy, but what do you want me to do about it." The Red Ranger says pulling hard on his joysticks. Sparks start to fly from the Ultra Zord. "Down to 30% now." The Blue Ranger says. "Ok, that's it!" The Red Ranger yells.

The Ultra Zord starts to glow with power. "What's this?" Corgan says. Ultra Shockwave!" The Ultra Rangers yell. A powerful wave of energy flies out of the Ultra Zord and blows Corgan off them. "Ok, what was that?" The Pink Ranger asks. "I don't know, but it was almost like the Ultra Zord feed off our anger." The Blue Ranger says. "Ultra Sword!" The Red Ranger yells. A Golden Sword flies into the right hand of the Ultra Zord.

"Ultra Sword full power!" The Ultra Rangers say, as their joystick moves into a diagonal position. The sword starts to glow gold. As the Rangers move their joysticks downward the sword cuts Corgan in two. "All right we did it!" The Pink Ranger yells. The Rangers jumps out of the Ultra Zord it splits back into the Mythic Zords and they fly off. "Nice job rangers nice job." The Red Ranger says in a mundane voice. "Ok J what are you thinking?" The White Ranger asks. "Well, its just I think that was just a test. Negalord wants to see our power and that's it." The Red Ranger says. "Well, let him test us! We will show him the power of ultra!" The Pink Ranger yells.

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