Chapter 9: The faces of evil

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The Ultra Rangers are teleported back to the Command Center. The Command Center looks mostly the same, except on the wall next to empty energy tube, there is a huge screen monitor. "Wow, it's the Command Center." The Black Ranger Says. Alpha 5 walks out of a back room and Shenon forms in his energy tube. "Welcome back Rangers," Shenon says. "It's good to be back." The Red Ranger says. "Ranger to turn back to normal all you need to say is..." Alfa says but is cut off by the Rangers "Power Down!" The Rangers yell and are turned back to normal. "What was that Alpha?" Tommy asks with a smile.

Shenon smiles looking at his Ultra Rangers. "Shenon what do we do now?" Jason asks. "Go back to your normal lives when you are needed we will contact you," Shenon says. "Wall that great and all but Billy and I have nowhere to stay," Tommy says. Jason, Zack, Kim and, Trini laugh. "Ok, what's so funny about that?" Billy asks. "You can come stay with us," Trini says. "Do you think you will have room for us?" Tommy asks. Kim nods "Oh yes I think we can find you a room." She says. "All right. Well, till we are needed, see ya Zordon and Alpha." Jason says. "No, we cannot go yet!" Kim yells out. The team looks at Kim with shock. Kim puts out her hand. "Oh yes," Jason says. The team all but there hands to gather. "Ultra Rangers!" They all yell and jump into the air. "May the power protect you," Shenon says. The Rangers push a silver button on the side of their communicators and are teleported back to their house.

It has been two days since our heroes got their new powers. We now join them kicked back in the front room. "This place is so Morphinominal Kim," Billy says. "Yes, Kim it is great," Tommy adds. "Thank you guys My Grandmother loved it here and before she passed on she asked me to fill the place with happiness again," Kim explained. "Wall Kimbo I think you did that," Zack says.

Trini looks over at Jason. Jason seems to be deep in thought. "Penny for your thoughts Jason?" Trini asks throwing a penny at Jason. The group looks over at Jason. "What's that?" Jason asks looking up. "What's on your mind bro?" Tommy asks. "Oh, well I was just thinking that Shenon told us nothing about our new enemy," Jason says. "This is true, I mean we don't know a thing," Trini says. "Well, why don't we go ask him?" Billy asks. "Now that's a good idea," Kim says. The group stands up and pushes the silver button on the side of their communicators and are teleported to the Command Center.

"Iyayaya Rangers what's up?" Alpha asks. "Shenon we want to know more about this new evil," Jason says. "New evil Rangers?" Alpha says. "Oh come on we know there is something up. We would not have got all this power for nothing." Tommy says. "Rangers you are right. Look at the viewing monitor." Shenon says. The Rangers look over at the monitor. A screen with the dark man pop's up. He is dressed in a dark red armor and looks a whole lot like Zordon. "Rangers meet Negalord this is your new enemy. His Powers are unlike any that you have ever seen." Shenon explains. "So that is why the Ultra power is needed," Billy says. Shenon nods.

Just then the alarms start going off like mad. "Alpha, what is it?" Shenon asks. Alpha pushes some buttons on the main computer and on the viewing monitor are men dressed in all black like the ones from Kim's dream. "Shenon what are they?" Kim asks stumbling back into Tommy. "Rangers they are the Negafighters. They're henchmen." Shenon says. "So they're his putty patrol," Zack says. "Yep," Alpha says. "Ok, Rangers let's do it. It's Morphin Time!" Jason yells.

"White Phoenix!" Tommy Yells.

"Black Chimera!" Zack Yells.

"Pink Griffin!" Kim Yells.

"Blue Kraken!" Billy Yells.

"Yellow Pegacorn!" Trini Yells

"Red Dragon!" Jason Yells.

The team is transformed and teleported downtown. People are running all over the place and the Negafighters are attacking all kinds of people. Out of the crowd, they can spot two old faces Bulk and Skull. "Look it's the Power Rangers!" Skull yells. "No, we are the Ultra Rangers!" The Red Ranger says. The Negafighters look at them for a bit and then attack the Rangers. "Ok team it's show time." The Red Ranger says.

The Rangers drop in to their fighting stances and then run at the Negafighters. The two groups run right into each other and the fight is on. One of the Negafighters lands a hard punch to the Pink Ranger's chest. The Pink Rangers doubles over in pain. "Oh no you did not!" The White Ranger yells and kicks the Negafighter sending him flying. "Thanks, Tommy." The Pink Ranger says getting up. The White Ranger nods.

The Red Ranger draws his blaster and starts firing at the Negafighters. All the others do the same all, but the White Ranger. For some reason, he has no blaster. With the blasters now in their hands, the Rangers start dropping Negafighters like flies. Once all the fighters are gone the Rangers meet back up. "Nice work team." The Red Ranger says.

"Yes, nice work Ultra Rangers." Negalord says walking up to the team. The Rangers turn to face him. "Look Negaloser we are going to so kick your butt." Black Ranger says. "Is that Right?" Negalord asks. "Ya, we are the Ultra Rangers after all!" Pink Ranger says. Negalord just points his hand at the Black and Pink Rangers and they go flying. "What the?!?" The Red Ranger yells. "This is just the start of my power. Ultra Rangers I will destroy you." Negalord says.

Just then the Rangers are teleported back to the command center. The Rangers remove their helmets. "Are you alright Rangers?" Shenon asks. They all just bow their heads. "Yes, Shenon I think we are all just fine," Jason says. "His power it's, it's..." Kim says. "I know Kimberly I know," Shenon says.

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