Chapter 19: Sword clash

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Today started like any other day in Angel Grove. Our hero's are sitting down at the table eating there various breakfasts. "Hey J you entering the clash of swords tournament this year?" Kim asks and takes a bit I her muffin. "That's my plane." Jason replays poring milk on his cereal. "Clash of swords?" C.C. Ask with a mouth full of toast. "It's a sword battling tournament held her in Angel Grove." Trini explains. "What kind of sword play is allowed?" Haylin asks. "All kinda can compete. The last two years the winner has been a Masked fencer." Kim says. Everyone looks over at Jason. Jason smiles back at them. "Don't worry guys my dragon style gots this." Jason says with a smug look.

A few hour later Jason is once again in the park working on his moves unknown to him Negalord was watching him throw a small rip in realty. "Nega Red get in here!" he shouts. Nega Red walks in slow his sword draped over his shoulder. "What do you want?" Nega Red says. Negalord points at the rip. Nega Red slow walks over and looks out the rip. "Oh so Red Ranger is working on his sword play." Nega Red says "Yes I want you to take Saberbind and End the Red Ranger." Negalord commanded. "first off I don't work for you and I will go with you Monster but only because Lord Drakkon wants me to work with you." Nega Red says and walks out of the room. "Lord Drakkon thinks he can win over me but he is so wrong and soon I will show him." Negalord says and smirks.

In the Park Jason slow sheath his sword and walks over picking up a red towel. "nice moves you got." a man dressed in a dark red shirt and blue jeans says walking up. "Thanks man you in to Sword work?" Jason asks. "You could say that. I am Jack by the way." Jack says holding out his hand. Jason takes his hand and shacks it but as he dose a shiver go's down his spin. "So I saw you were using the Dragon style." Jake says. "Umm Ya that is right." Jason replays. "Care to have a partner?" Jack asks pulling a sword of from behind him. Jason looks a bit puzzled. "What's wrong the big bad Jason don't want to Sword battle?" Jake asks smuggle. "Its not like that I just have to be at a tournament soon." Jason says and picks up his sword. Jack quickly spin kicks Jason nocking him off his feet. Jack thin points his sword at Jason throat "To bad I hard how big and bad you were but I guess I was wrong." Jack says and laughing and walking off.

Just then Negafighters and Saberbind show up in the park and start attacking people in the park. Jason jumps to his feet and draws out his sword. "Hey you Nega past leave them alone!" Jason says running in to the Fight. Saberbind looks at Jason and his sword. "Oh yes yes someone who wants to sword fight." Saberbind says running at Jason. Jason drops back in to a fighting stance and holds his ground as there swords clash. Jason is able to parry all of Saverbinds attacks, However monsters don't play fear. The Negafighters join the fight and over power Jason. Jason is kicked off his feet by one of the Negafighters. "Ok its time I kicked this up a notch. Its Morphing Time!" Jason says. "Red Dragon!" Jason shouts and is morphed in to the Red Ultra Ranger. The power of his Morph blessed the Negafighters to dust and sent Saberbind flying. Red Ranger jumps to his feet and summons his Sword. Saberbind runs back up and has a new group of Negafighters. "Trying to gang up on me again?" Red Ranger says standing ready to fight "No worries Bro you got friends to." Black Ranger says as the other Ultra Rangers run up next to Red Ranger. "Boy am I glade to see you guys." Red Ranger says.

Saberbind and the Negafighters attack the Ultra Rangers. Red Ranger and White Ranger battle with Saberbind wall the other Rangers battle the Negafighters. Red ranger and Saberbind swords clash and sparks fly. "Your not bad Red Ranger but I wounded how you will fear against my master?" Saberbind smirks looking behind the Red Ranger.

Red Ranger spends around just in time to black a slash attack from Nega Reds sword. "We meet again Red Ranger." Nega Red says. "I thought Drakkon would of called you losers back after filling the last time."Red Ranger says as the two cross swords.  "Your not going to get read of me tell I kill you." Nega Red says jumping out of the way of a high attack form Red Ranger. Nega Red and Red Ranger contuse to clash swords wall the other rangers have finished off the the Negafighters and are now all battling Saberbind. "guys my hands are tied here you going to have to take this monster down on your own." Red Ranger says chasing after Nega Red.

White Ranger sweep kicks Saberbind as he falls Black and Blue Ranger do a flying sidekick sanding the monster flying right in to the Silver and Green rangers spin kicks. Saberbind finally falls to the ground when Pink and Yellow Ranger pulls out there blasters and jumps in to the air and fires on him finally ending this monster. "Nice work Rangers." White Ranger says. Just then a dark beam of energy hits the monster as he grows large. "Now we will see if you can clash with my blades this big." Saberbind says. "guys with out J we are no good its up to you there." Kimbirly says looking at White, Green and, Silver Ranger. "Alpha we need the mystic zords." White and Silver Ranger says as Green Ranger pulls out her dragon dagger and plays it. Summing the Dragonzord. The White and Silver Rangers jump into there zords.

The Dragonzord's legs extend and form Megazord boots, its arms fold in to the center and form the chest piece. The wings of the Phoenix ford dethatch and attach to the back of the Dragonzord. The rest of the Phoenix zord attaches to the left side of the Dragonzord forming the left arm. The Fenrir Zords legs fold into its body and it attaches to the right side of the Dragonzord forming the right arm. the face of the Dragonzord opens and reveals the face of the Warrior Zord. "Warrior Zord online." Green Ranger says and jumps in to the cockpit with the White and Silver Ranger.

Meanwhile at Angel grove beach Nega Red and Red Ranger are in a heated sword battle. "your as good as I remember." Nega Red says. " You have no clue." Red Ranger says drawing his sword back. "I have already killed you once Jason!" Nega Red says drawing his back. "Not going to happen this time!" Red Ranger says as there swords clash making a explosion of red. "the future is not set yet." Red Ranger says spin kicking Nega Red and the chest with a spin kick. As Nega Red lands Red Ranger holds his sword to his throat. "this time go's to you Jason but the war is far from over." Nega Red says and disappears. Red Ranger turns and looks as the Warrior Zord finish's off Saberbind. "Nice work guys that's one Ultra Win for the Ultra Ranger.... Hey I like that." Red Ranger says in to his communicator.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2018 ⏰

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