Chapter 17: finding a reason

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Jason stands in his bed room window looking out in to the back yard. Outside stands all his teammates. Anger has been festering inside Jason ever cents he lorded the truth abut Drakkon. But still there was one other burning question in his mind. Why did Shenon Not hell them? Jason lets out a heavy sigh, it was time he went and confronted his friends. Jason spun around and walked out his bed room door and made his way out back.

One he gets close to his team he can hear them questioning what happened yesterday. "Come on guys why would Shenon lead us to die?" Kim asks. "I don't know Kim but something has been off with Shenon ever cents we got the Ultra power." Trini says. "I know we are the newbies to your team and all but I am with Trini on this one something did not fill right abut there story." Haylin adds. "You would say that she is your cousin's." Zack adds. "Hold up Zack I am with them also." Tommy says. "as was I." Jason says walking up to the group fully. "I think the big question now is what do we do?" Billy chimes in. "Ya J what's are plane I mean we all just more or less told Shenon to take a hike." Zack says. "I don't know abut all of you but I say we still fight some Nega baddies." C.C. adds finally jumping in to the conversation. "Ya I mean if we don't who is going to stop them?" Zack adds. "and If we do fight and the weapons of destruction show up on earth the hole world is dead." Jason says. "yes but what happens to the world if we don't?" C.C. asks.

In the dark realm of Nega. Negalord is standing in front of the six Nega rangers when a rip in time opens up and Nega Green and Nega Silver step out of it. "what are you two doing here?" Nega Red asks. "Master sent us the Ultra losers some how made it back to this time." Nega Green says. "Ha so you all failed." Negalord sinkers. "you know master was not to happy with you when we left either." Nega Green says. "wall maybe I will just half to change his mind." Negalord says and snaps his fingers , as he dose Sprayroid is formed. "Yes Master?" Sprayroid says bowing at Negalord's feet. "seek out the Ultra rangers and destroy them." Negalord commands. Sprayroid nods and in a splash of water is gone. "Now my monster will finish what you all could not." Negalord says laughing evilly.

Back in normal reality are team of hero's have moved to angel grove park to try and clear there heads. Jason and Haylin walk in the Zen garden. "Jason the others are right we can't just give up there are so mean lives on the line." Haylin says holding his hand. Jason smiles looking at there hands. "I know dragonfly but I just fell as if I lost my reason to fight." Jason says with a very heavy sigh. Just then Tommy and Zack come running up to them. "guys there is a monster attacking people." Zack says. "look Jason I know how you feel my friend but we cant just set here in do nothing." Tommy says. Jason looks at each of them and then nods. "wall then I just got one thing to say." Jason says. Zack and Tommy smile. "Ok what's that?" Haylin asks. Jason smiles big. "Its Morphing time!" Jason shouts.

"Green Leviathan!" Haylin shouts

"White Phoenix!" Tommy Yells.

"Black Chimera." Zack shouts.

"Red Dragon." Jason Yells. and the four of them are morphed in to ranger form.

After the morph red, green, white and, black ranger join up with there team meats in a fierce battle with sprayroid and a huge group of Negafighters. "Nice of you to join us." Sliver Rangers snaps. "what can we say its batter late then never." Black ranger says blasting a Negafighter. Red Ranger and Green Ranger attack sprayroid "you fools well not stop me." sprayroid says blasting the two rangers with a high powered blast of water. the blast sends them both back a few feet. Red Ranger quickly summon his Dragon blade and digs it in to the ground. Green Ranger was not so lucky and is sent flying in to a wall. "Haylin!" Jason yells. Red rangers again runs at the monster. "You cant touch me loser red." sprayroid says and again blast at red ranger. as the water was shouting at red ranger, blue ranger jumps in front of him and with his kraken trident blacks the water blast with easy. "so its a water fight you want?" Blue Ranger says and points his trident at the monster and a huge wave of water fires out of the weapon and right at sprayroid.

"Is that all you got?" Sprayroid says and absorbers the attack. Blue ranger snaps his fingers and Sprayroid's hose explodes. "How!" The monster shots. "It's really quite simple. You see I super charged my water with Ultra power witch we all know is good energy. When that mixed with you dark energy water. It got explosive."Blue Ranger explains. Sprayroid looks at him dumb founded. "In other words." Red Ranger says from behind Blue Ranger. Blue Ranger jumps out of the way reviling Red Ranger armed with his dragon rifle pointed right at Sprayroid "you go boom" Red Ranger adds and pulls the trigger. Sprayroid was hit by the blast and blow in to pease.

Out of a rip in reality walks Negalord and the Nega Rangers. "This is not over yet." Nega Red says. "Stand down this is for me to deal with." Negalord says and waves his hand over the remains of Sprayroid. The monster pieces starts to glow and in a flash of dark evil light Sprayroid grows giant. "Now your going to really get washed out." Sprayroid says. "Not going to happen! We need the Mystic Zords" Red Ranger says. Green Ranger starts to play her Dragon dagger and all eight Zords come flying and running in. The Ultra Rangers all jump up and in to there Zords, even the Green Ranger.  "Let's move quickly on this one I don't want to let him get the upper hand." Red Ranger says. "Form UltraZord" He adds.

The six push a gold button and their joystick moves sideways to start up. The Red Dragon's legs and wings fold up into his body. "Form arms and body." The Red Ranger says. The wings and legs of the Griffin and Chimera Zord fold into their body and they join to the shoulders of the Red Dragon. "Form Feet and legs." The Red Ranger says. The arms and legs of the Kraken fold into its body and its head moves to the to the center of its body and it joins with the Red Dragon's left leg. The wings and legs fold into the Pegacorns body and its head moves to the small of its back and it joins with the Red Dragon's right leg. "Form Wings and back." The Red Ranger says. The Phoenix Zord folds up its legs and spreads its wings and attaches to the Red Dragon's back. "And I will form the head." The Red Ranger says and the mouth of the Red Dragon opens showing the faces of the Ultrazord.

"Hey what about us?" Silver Ranger says. "I am sorry but we don't know how you combine with the other Zords so for this battle you must stay in Zord form." Blue Ranger explains.

As the Rangers were talking Sprayroid begin his attack. With us newly fixed water cannon he blast the ultrazord sending it flying back. "Ok that was just rude." Silver Ranger says and moves her Fenrir Zord in attack's Sprayroid by bitting his leg. The Dragonzord swings it's drill tail and hits the other leg. "Guys now is your chance." Green Ranger shouts.

The UltraZord gets to its feet. "Nice work lady's we will take it from here." Pink Ranger says. "Ultra Sword!" The Red Ranger yells. A gold sword flies into the right hand of the Ultra Zord. "Ultra sword full power!" The Ultra Rangers say as their joysticks move into a diagonal position. The sword starts to glow gold. As the Rangers move their joysticks downwards and the sword cuts Sprayroid in half. "Guess He is all washed up." Black Ranger says. "Zack...." the other rangers shout.

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