Chapter 13: A Ultra White Christmas

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There is snow falling all over Angel Grove. It looks like a winter wonderland. The team are at the juice bar drinking hot cocoa. There are Christmas lights all over the place and a huge tree in the center of the room. Kim and Tommy are hanging garland. "That looks really nice you two," Erin says, walking out of the back room.

Jason and Zack are kicking the punching bag. Jason Kicks it so hard it knocks Zack down. "Wow man?" Zack says getting to his feet. "Ya man I don't know where that came from. It's like a fire is burning within me." Jason says. "That's one big fire then." Zack says.

A small dimensional rift opens and Negalord looks through it at a group if kids making a snowman. "so I see the Jolly old fool Chris Cringle is still at it." Negalord says. He Snaps his Fingers and a Black, Snowman forms be send him. "Nega Frosty, go show them what I think of the holidays." Negalord says. The Snowman bows and disappears.

In front of the Command Center, Nega Frosty appears. "I will destroy as the master asked, but first no outside help from Shenon." Nega Frosty says and covers the Command Center in ice. "Now that that is done, I will fill all their hearts with darkness." Nega Frosty says and transforms into a Santa Claus.

Back at Erin's, there is nothing but happiness. The team are sitting at the normal table. "So what do you want for Christmas Kim?" Trini asks. Kim smiles. "I don't know I got what I really wanted." She says looking at Tommy. "You two dating again there's a shock." Jason says and the whole team laugh. "You're so not funny bro we are not dating." Tommy says.

In town our dark Santa is hard at work. He hands out presents to all the kids. Once they open the presents there hearts are filled with darkness. "That's mine!" One kid says ripping a toy out of a little girl's hand and that started an all out fight with the little kids. Soon there is not one kid in Angel Grove that is not filled with darkness. "Ho Ho Ho feel the Darkness." Nega Frosty says.

In the North pole the true Santa is not hard at work. "What is this?" Santa asks, walking into his mailroom. "All the letters are done, but the ones from Angel Grove." Says an elf. "That's where the Rangers live." Santa says. "True Santa." the elf says. "I think it's time I see the Rangers again, something is not right with Angel rove." Santa says and walks off.

Kim and Trini are out shopping for the boys gifts. A little boy runs into Kim. "Sorry about that." Kim says. "Yeah, you should be old lady," the boy says and stomps off. "Ok what was that all about?" Trini asks. "Don't know." Kim says with a smile. On the other side of town Jason and Tommy are shopping for a necklace for Kim. "This is nice." Tommy says holding up a gold necklace. Out of nowhere a Small girl rips it out of Tommy's hands "I want this now so back off stupid." the girl says and runs off. "Ok that's not right." Jason says.

Jason and Tommy walk outside and see that all the kids are fighting and acting like brats. Jason then spots the dark Santa. "Hey I think he has something to do with this!" Jason says. "I am down with that. He is not the Santa we know." Tommy says. "You hold it right there." Jason says holding up his hand and fire shoots out. It hits the dark Santa making him melt. "What was that?" Tommy asks looking at Jason. "I-I don't know." Jason says. The water that was dark Santa reforms into Nega Frosty. "So you two must be Ultra Rangers!" Nega Frosty says."That's right and I say we show him the true power of Ultra. Its morphing Time!" Jason shouts.

"White Phoenix!" Tommy yells and morphs.

"Red Dragon!" Jason yells and morphs.

"Let's show him Tommy."The Red Ranger says. The White Ranger nods and the two rush Nega Frosty. Nega Frosty freezes there feet. "Is that all you got?" The Red Ranger says. The Red Ranger melts the ice. "Now try my Dragon fire!" The Red Ranger yells and launches a fireball at Nega Frosty, but it doesn't hurt him at all. "Too bad I don't have time to play more with you two losers, but so much darkness to give out, so little time." Nega Frosty says and disappears. "Ok I think we need to see Shenon." The White Ranger says. The Red Ranger nods and the two try to teleport, but are not able. "What the?" The Red Ranger says as the two power down. Jason pushes the button on his communicator. "Shenon do you read my......Alpha come in?" Jason says but there was no response. "I don't like this. Let's find the rest of the team." Jason says and the two run off.

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