Chapter 15: Escape

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(Carl's POV)

I walked through the city, watching people running around in terror. Some had masks; others were on the ground coughing and moaning. I started handing out breathers to those who needed them. Men were breaking into stores and shops, coming out with hoverboards, money, flying cars, and anything they could get their hands on. Many hold-ups occurred in front of my eyes as well.

In the middle of the city was a giant machine. It was shooting magnetic waves into the air. Nobody could stop it. The clouds stirred as the town grew red from the change in the atmosphere. Shrieks, screams, shouts, calls for help, and laughing could be heard throughout the city, making me panic all the more.

A few people tried to fly out of the city, but the Titanoboa would break the wings off their cars before they could. I did my best to avoid it since it was angered by my heroic act of shocking it with defibrillators and wanted revenge big time.

After looking around for Wilbur, (Y/n), and Lewis, I checked the time.
"Ten thirty... where could they be?" I scanned the entire city; no trace of their DNA anywhere.
'They must not be here, but where else could they be then?'

"Reporting live from TFN, a blue time machine known to belong to the genius Cornelius Robinson, also known as the 'Father of the Future,' has been flying all around town, terrorizing people along with the Titanoboa!"

I turned and looked at the giant television floating over town where people were standing below watching. The blue time machine zoomed by covered with spray paint. The driver would shoot anti-gravity bubbles at random people. I watched in horror as adults floated helplessly up higher and higher into the air. Then a Disenegrater was fired at them, and they disappeared.

"Witnesses claim that the time machine has been spray-painted the words, 'WC corp + Robinsons = Destruction.' Police have deduced that the Robinson family is, or may be, responsible for the destruction of our once beautiful city!"

Everyone watching turned to look at me. I knew that things were going to be worse than ever, thanks to the WC corp. There was some silence from the people who were glaring at me until one woman spoke up.

I ran away as fast as I from the angry mob, escaping their grasp and hiding outside the city where I heard them shout to one another.

"There's their house!"



A row of citizens went running to the house with different weapons in their hands, with the Titanoboa not too far behind. I shook my head and looked at the ground; as long as the steel cover was over the house, they'd be okay.

Something shined in the corner of my eye. Looking to my left, I noticed a small light flashing in Old Town and extended my eyes to see further. There was a small building lit up like someone inside turned on the lights.

"Wilbur?! Come in, please! WIIILBUUR!!!"


(Your POV)

Lewis ran up to me with the keys in his hand.
"We don't have much time to get you out! And I saw your foster dad is locked up in a prison cell!"


"Yeah! Karen has him held captive! I think he is against these guys!" Lewis started trying each key.

"Lewis, I just found out that he isn't my foster dad, but my real dad!" I told him.

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