Chapter 18: Ending the War

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(Karen's POV)

"Hm. I wonder what has befell of (Y/n)..." I said to myself, smiling smugly. I was looking off into the distance, satisfied by the sight of an ever so dreadful plight.

One of the guards named Brandon, who didn't seem to understand my sarcasm, answered my question behind me. His lousy nuisance startled me out of my pleasure.
"Well she is probably dead. Carlos flung across the sky with zero-point energy, remember?"

I rolled my eyes and growled.
'Why did A.I.R. even consider using these men from the last city? Imbeciles...'

"Zero-point energy can lift objects into the air an-"

I turned around and graped his tux collar roughly.
"Do I look like an idiot, Brandon?! I saw what happened!" I shouted, releasing him and looking back in the direction I was originally facing. "Summon the emp!" I commanded.

Stepping back out of fear, Brandon recomposed his posture and stuttered to our inisde man over his earpiece. After a matter of minutes, Mr. Cornelius Robinson's blue time machine zoomed over to us and landed in the alley nearby. The top lifted and Darien Smith stepped out, wearing one of our masks that he spray painted panted himself to cover most of his face.

"Here you are. Here are the keys to the time machine. I have driven that thing around a bunch of times, so that should suffice for now," he said, walking up to me with the keys in his hand.

"Oh, just shut your mouth, emp!" I snapped, snatching it from him.

Darien cleared his throat, much to my annoyance.
"And, where is my hundred K?"

I did would I could to keep from smiling at the next step. I snapped my fingers.
"Don't worry, the payment is what you truly deserve," I replied.

Two of my guards, Ryan and Max, nodded at the signal and left breifly.

I held onto the 'earpiece' I stole from Cornelius and shouted to the extinct reptiles in my mind.
'Now listen you overgrown python! I want you and Rexie to keep an eye out for the Robinson children and (Y/n) (M/n) (L/n)! She's the teenage girl that my boss has been after, and if you see her still alive; get rid of her! Understand?!'

Max and Ryan came back with two items. Ryan had an anti-gravity gun in his hand, and Max had a sack for Darien.

Darien smirked at the size of the bag and pulled it open.
"Hey! Where's the money?!" he asked. Ryan fired a bubble at him, and Mr. Smith started floating helplessly in the air to my approval. "Hey! What is this?!"

I smiled maliciously.
"Dear me! Did I not tell you that you would be payed what you truly deserve, Mr. Smith?" I snickered.

Abruptly, Brandon dodged a small asteroid and collided into me from behind. I stumbled partially from his clumsiness, but he fell flat on his stomach, hitting his watch against the ground below.

The speed of the rotating clouds increased. Asteroids and nature itself became abnormally frenetic to the point that the earthquake started forming even greater than before. Brandon jumped to his feet and pressed his watch quickly, worried he would get in trouble.

"What?! What is happening?!" I yelled, staring up into the frozen sky.

"S-sorry! I'll reverse it right now!" he stuttered in defense, fumbling with his watch.

"What is that?"

"Just a prototype of a time changing watch that Cornelius just recently created... I'll fix it right now-"

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