Chapter 1: Perfect Girls Don't Talk Loudly

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2 Months later...

Swanford never consisted of a large population, it was a town tucked away in a forgotten corner of England, it may have been small, but it was sure, not quiet.

"Cannonball!" Andrian' yelled as he launched himself into the pool, resurfacing moments later, wiping the chlorine water from his face. "That was fucking awesome!" The party only getting louder as the night went on.

Andrian always did this kind of thing, when his parents left for their extended business trips, he would have a party every Friday, it always leaves him wasted and hungover, but hell was it fun. He wasn't the type of guy that slept with random girls, even when they threw themselves at him when he was drunk, he somehow always made it away from the ordeal. His group of friends would always make sure he never did anything stupid.

"Alright guys we should probably stop, it's a school night," Andrain went up to the stage near the pool to announce through the microphone. "Eh fuck school,"

That was probably a bad idea.

Andrain woke up on the sofa when he heard his irritating alarm clock go off, he groaned and tried to find the source of his current misery. When the inconsistent ringing didn't cease, he stood up, grabbed his phone and threw it against a wall. It didn't break, surprising enough, Andrain picked it up and offed the alarm, just in time to see one of his friends, Damien, in the kitchen, already making pouring out cereal for everyone left.

Damien was always the caretaker of the group, his the guy that would refuse any alcohol at a party and instead stand at one side, just watching out for the others. Damien was quite a lanky guy, standing at five foot ten and around the thinner side, his dark hair contrasted his bright blue eyes and freckled face.

"I got the aspirin lined out for you guys," Damien informed Andrain as soon as he saw his friend awake. "Save some for Karl and George alright? And bloody hell you reek, wash up will ya? We're leaving in half an hour,"

"Got it, dad!" Andrain shouted his reply, noticing Damien rolling his eyes.

"Someone called us?" Kral and George, the Kevins twins, when Andrian first met them when they were kids, the two would always try to play mind tricks on him and pretend to be each other.

"I feel like a thousand tiny dwarfs are hammering at my head, fuck," It was George that spoke, the two twins may be physically similar, however, you can always tell which one was which if you had known them for as long as Andrian has.

George was also a huge enthusiast on animals, the guy volunteered at the animal shelter regularly. While Karl was the bookworm type, that was secretly savage as fuck, he even burns people without even knowing it; it must be a talent.

"Get ready for school will ya? I don't want to be tardy again because of you guys, now hit the showers!" Damien ordered, pointing to the bathrooms.

The three mocked salute to their friend, earning them a glare.

"Now!" Damien said slowly, while Andrian and the twins dragged their feet to the bathrooms.


"Why can't you just let me sleep? I wanna kill myself now," George had his hand on his forehead, complaining. "It's a good thing everybody else left before we woke though, that should happen more often,"

"I chased them all out for god's sake, you better thank me for that," Damien said, his eyes fixated on the road, he was the only one that was in the state to drive. "I'm sure everyone else feels the same way, we'll just be a school of walking zombies,"

The twins were in the backseat, somehow Karl had fallen asleep again, while Andrain was trying hard not to doze off, he had put up a good fight, but, he was still losing. Before he could succumb to the allure of sleep, the car stopped with an abrupt screech, Andrian awoke with such a start, his head hit the top of the car.

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