Chapter 14- Perfect Girls Go On Dates

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There was that kiss during Christmas, it was far different than the one that she was experiencing right then, Cat was sure Andrain just did it in the heat of the moment or something. The kiss was longer, more sensual in a way she has never felt before, it was far from a perfect kiss since neither of them really done much of it, it was obvious they were inexperienced, still, it affected her. She was stiff for a few moments, soon after, she responded, her hands went to his chest, gripping the fabric of his shirt,  both being guided by pure instinct, not knowing what to do or what to feel.

That didn't matter though, what mattered was that they were there, with each other. Andrain was the one that pulled away first, his face was bright red and he had to turn to ensure that she didn't see how embarrassed he was about it. 

"I should be sorry, umm... I shouldn't have..." She just looked really cute, not to mention the air around them seemed to be lighter now, still, he didn't want to waste any time, he wanted to claim her, as soon as possible.

"Never mind that, I was the one that got carried away by the snow," Her eyes were as wide as saucers. "I wanted to say, maybe you should talk with your father. Get him to rebuild the greenhouse, after all, I'm sure he didn't really want it torn down, everyone does dumb things in grief. Maybe that's why he avoided coming back, he doesn't know how to face you."

He was silent, processing this theory in his mind, he wondered why she always knew what to say to him, with a chuckle he removed his hands from her face. "We should be heading back, we don't wanna freeze to death out here."


By the time they returned, Issac was looking furious, his arms were folded across his chest as he glared at Andrain and Cat when entered the room, however, much to their surprise, the blonde didn't say anything. Harold was kind enough to pack some of the tea leaves and cookies into two bags for her to take home, the butler pulled Andrain away for a conversation before leaving, Cat didn't know what he said to Andrain, however her roommate looked flustered after that small talk.

"We're going to keep the cheese in our fridge," Andrain decided when they were walking back to Issac and Vera's apartment. 

"Vera does like to raid the fridge...." Issac recalled, he had taken the basket from Andrain earlier and the younger man was telling him exactly what was what as if Issac had never been on a picnic before.

Not that he could deny that. The only picnics he even attended was as her attendant, he was never involved in the festivities and instead always had to be alert in case harm came to the princess. Not that she could fault him, it was his job after all.

"Much like Catty over here," Andrain nudged her playfully and she giggled. 

"Are you calling me fat?" Cat tried to sound offended however, she couldn't even take herself seriously. 

"Well, you can afford to lose a little we- Ouch! Catty..." He whined when she smacked his shoulder, she didn't even think she put that much force behind it.

"Quit acting like a baby!" She stuck her tongue out at her roommate, Issac chuckled behind them.

"How old are you guys?" He mockingly asked.

"Shut up!" The two retorted in unison, earning them another chuckle.

Vera was finishing up when the trio made it to Issac's house, she was in a brown top and a pair of sweatpants that Cat saw Issac wearing before, after she wiped her sweaty face she caught sight of Issac and glowered at him. Probably angry that he didn't stay to help with the massive amount of cleaning. He had thrown away the bag that once contained the ring, Andrain told him it was best that he took the ring out of the box so Vera wouldn't suspect anything.

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