Chapter 7- Perfect Girls Fight Their Own Battles

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Andrain knows exactly where Ally would be, outside near the large statue of some old minister or someone else (he has no idea who), the statue itself was badly preserved and crumbling. God knows why Ally would want to be near such a thing, her friends were gathered around her, their obnoxious laughter was starting to make his ears bleed. 

"Ally!" He called, the blonde looked up and pushed her through her friends, she was in front of him in a second, more like all up in his personal space. "First of all, move back," he grabbed her shoulders and pushed her a little. "Second of all, can we go somewhere more private? I need to talk to you."

"Oh, Andrain, if you're going to declare your love for me you can do it in front of all of us," Ally grinned and Andrain wondered why he was ever friends with her.

She wasn't so clingy or mean when they were kids, she was quite pleasant to be around, now? Ally was nothing but a menace, she has ruined lives of other girls in the academy that she deemed were less than her, to the point that she caused one of the previous students to move. 

"I knew I should have asked the guys to back me up," Andrain couldn't help but utter.

"What was that sweetie?" Great, she was in his personal space again.

"I want you to leave Catty alone. I heard what you did to her last week and I don't appreciate it, so please, for the both of us. Stay away," 

"She needs to know her place! I bet she tries to seduce you every time your alone together, I know how that annoys you. I'm just trying to help you! She's a slut and she knows it!"

"Catty has been the perfect roommate and friend. At least more than you ever were, can't you see she doesn't mean any harm?"


"Andrain what are you doing?" He knew that voice, it was the same one that woke him every time he wanted to sleep in, Cat jogged over to the two. "Oh, Ally hello,"

Now that Cat has a closer image of Ally, she looked far less threatening than when she shoved her into that janitor's closet, Ally had horribly bleached blonde hair that really looked like she should have asked for a refund. Along with her obnoxiously bright clothes and slightly too tan skin, Cat found herself feeling pity for her, from what she has seen of Ally, the girl was nothing but an attention seeker. From Andrain and the people around her, no matter what had transpired in Ally's past to make the way she was now, still, she needed help.

"Hello..." Ally reluctantly replied.

"Do you mind if I take her away for a while?" Cat asked Ally's groupies, all the while not taking her eyes off the blonde in front of her. "Very good. Thank you," The princess didn't even wait for a reply, she took Ally's arm and pulled her away, leaving Andrain and the others stunned.

"Hey watch it! You don't get to just drag me away!"

"Really? Wouldn't it have harmed you if your friends saw you after what I have to say?"

"What do you have to say slut?"

Cat smiled softly at her, she has dealt with people with Ally's attitude before, on paper at least, Cat was sure she can resolve this as easily as she can a math question. The redhead led Ally to the hallway of the school, everyone was usually outside during lunch, hence, Ally and Cat were all alone.

"You seek Andrain's affection, if you didn't you wouldn't have made me stay away. You didn't need to resort to such methods in my opinion, after all, you are closer to him than I am, so, why do view me as a threat? Is it because I'm more beautiful, smarter or more sophisticated than you? Or all of the above?" Cat was lining the bait.

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