Chapter 8- Perfect Girls Are Cat-Lovers

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Dan was on Cat's lap again, curled up into a tight striped grey ball as Andrain sat beside her, they were close enough to the point that their knees were touching. Andrain had synced the computer with their television, they had been watching the same thing for an hour now: the footage of him hijacking Principal Boyce's car.

Cat was dozing off, her head was resting against Andrain's shoulder, she wasn't even paying attention to the video then, she noticed how warm her roommate was and she lifted her legs to rest on the edge of the sofa. Andrain tensed as Cat pressed herself against him, they had been searching for clues within the video, which is the only thing keeping Andrain 'suspended' in the dorms. It actually felt sorta calming to be away from all the parties and noise and consistent flirting (mostly from the girls) who he had zero interest in.

In fact, he had no idea why he even partook in such a thing in the first place, once he got into the academy, Vera inherited her grandfather's bar and took it upon herself to run it. She usually doesn't like it when Andrain goes to her for alcohol and that was why he no longer asks any of her. She never came around as often as she used to and while his friends were physically there, Andrain still felt alone, even though he knew his friends cared for him; they could never relate to him. 

"Dammit," Andrain offed the appliances, Cat snapped awake next to him. "I'm sorry to have woken you Catty. Why don't we call it a night? We have school tomorrow,"

"Don't you want to keep looking?" Cat couldn't help but glance at the clock, it was still early, she blamed herself for dozing off due to the lack of sleep from the night before. The nightmares have been relentless, even Dan was awake now. "Maybe we don't have to go to bed yet," Please don't let me return to those nightmares yet.

Andrain closed his laptop and his gaze softened as he watched Cat, she thought he didn't know, since he was usually a heavy sleeper, however, he has been getting very little of that lately. He has been burning the midnight oil just studying the latest cloaking technology that the culprit used or any software used to edit the footage. And every night, he could hear Cat tossing and turning in her bed, how she would sob and whimper. How could he not? Thier rooms were right across each other. 

"Sure, we can just talk. Then I can get the edge off, do you want to start?" Cat nodded with a smile.

"How about something cliche? Favourite colour?" Andrain paused to think of his response.

"Grey. And no it's not any Fifty Shades Of Grey kink. I just thought that it was a cool neutral palette that seems to spread so easily to any other colour. It's like what happens when the droplet of black gets in contact with a white pool. It taints them,"

"Interesting. I expected something cliche, like black or blue or something. But, grey is cool. I'm personally a big fan of white, although it's not really a colour. It can be anything it wants, with no limitations, it's pure,"

"Alright then, I expected pink or purple. Cat or dog person?"

"Are you seriously asking me that? Why do you think I have a cat? Dan has been with me since I was six,"

"Well, I just thought you would prefer either. I guess I'm more of a horse person, even though I've never really owned one, I have relatives in Texas. They would take me to the ranches and I loved all those horses, someday I would really like one of my own,"

This made Cat's eyes spark with curiosity, back in Floeya, the royal family had a ranch that was manned by the helpers around the castle, she loved going there to visit her mare, Fairy. A red mare with white spots and a black mane, her fondest memories was around Dan and Fairy, with Issac not too far away. Once everything was over, she would want to invite Andrain to Floeya and gift him a  horse, after all, what kind of princess would she be if she can't do whatever she wanted?

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