Chapter 4- Perfect Girls Are Pure

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Cat was facing the first of many crises that will soon come, however, she seemed to have met her match... the all-powerful oven. It wasn't the fact that she was dumb, she has solved multiple disputes in her country as well as prevent any large outbreaks of famine that threaten Floeya. She just lacked what people called, 'street smarts'.

Out of the blue, the doorbell rings while Cat was wiping up the mess she had made frantically, it wasn't Issac for sure or Vera for that matter and Andrain was still asleep as well as Dan. She combed her hair with her fingers and opened the door to see the same black haired boy that almost killed her last time, not that she would bring it up.

"Wait, your Andrain's roommate?" The black haired boy didn't make it sound like a question.

"Are you looking for him?" Cat asked. "I can wake him up if you want,"

"Oh, I bet he'll like that. Do you mind if I come in first?"

"Sure," Cat had no idea why he was here, but, it couldn't hurt.

Cat rushed over to Andrian's room and entered barely making a sound, the curtains were drawn and Andrain, he was laying on his back, blankets splayed all over the place and his lower abdomen was exposed. Thank goodness he still had his shirt on. She sighed and sat down on edge of the bed, his nearly touching her waist, she gently shook him.

"Andrain?" She uttered softly.

Andrain rolled to his side, groaning. "Five more minutes,"

"Your friend is here to see you,"

A grunt was his only response and Cat huffed in frustration, who knew getting someone to wake up was this hard? Cat has always been an early riser by nature, even on days when she wanted to sleep in, she couldn't.

"Andrain, wake up," Maybe she should have thrown open the curtains instead?

She did just that, letting the bright rays of light fill up the still messy room. Andrain opened his eyes slowly to see Cat taking her place on the edge of his bed again, smiling at him.

"Someone's here to see you," Cat repeated.

"Well is that someone you? Cause your all I need to see," To be fair he was still half awake, so Cat justed stared at him blankly.

"You're actually retarded. I fucking swear," Damien, what was he doing in the room?

Andrain sat upright and he saw a blush crept up Cat's cheeks, she swiftly diverted her gaze to the door when she finally realized how this would look like. She wasn't used to being in a room alone with guys and with the lack of a chaperone, she was lost. Her tutors always taught her that she should never trust men so, Cat has always been cautious around strangers, more so with the males. She kept an appropriate distance and would always try to come off polite.

"Why are you even here Damien?" Andrain asked with a hint of annoyance.

"I thought I see how you're doing, the whole academy knows you're now rooming with a girl. Trust me, nobody is happy about that, especially Ally," Damien spat the name with disgust.

The whole academy already knew? Cat couldn't help but marvel at how fast news travels around this town.

"Whose Ally?" Cat inquired.

"This chick that thinks she's entitled to me just because we were childhood friends or something, she's ok. Although I will admit not the best person out there, just be careful alright Cat? She might try something on you," They exited the room and were now sitting around the dinner table.

"Cause I'm staying with you?"

"Yeah. Ally has always been possessive of me,"

"She's just a crazy bitch, but, a powerful one still, don't let your guard down," Damien added.

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