Chapter 15- Perfect Girls See Things Through

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Recap: Damien asked Cat out and she almost fainted. There


What felt like an eternity passed before Cat finally blurted. "WHAT?" Well, I guess more like shouted.

"I'm not taking that back," Damien forced a smile on his face.

"But... Andrain..." Wait, she can't use him as an excuse, sure, they've kissed, more than once. Still, what was he to her? She has never felt this way for another person before, she was grateful to Issac and she found Vera admirable yet... there's no word to describe Andrain.

To her, he was like the wind that would soothe her when she stressed, the guide that carefully taught her everything that she didn't know, no matter how embarrassing it was. he never once judged her or was mean towards her, he didn't seem to have an ulterior purpose either. However, she was a princess, can she really drag him into a life that he might never get accustomed to? How would he react? When he found out that she kept this from him.

He was so honest towards her, revealed all his scars and still kept a smile on his face, yet, what can Cat offer him? She was so selfish, keeping all this to herself, being unable to tell Andrain for fear of how he will see her.

"Ah, yes. I know you're in love with Andrain," Huh? "I'm only thinking of you. Andrain may be a total loser when it comes to finding himself a girlfriend, however, at least his been on dates before. But you... are very much inexperienced. This works out for the both of us, you can get some experience out of this and I can see if you're worthy of being his girlfriend,"

"G-girlfriend?" If she didn't feel faint before, she certainly did now.

Being a royal meant that her partner would only be one of two things: fiance or husband. There was no title such as 'boyfriend' in her world, however, she didn't hate is she was called 'Andrain's girlfriend'.

"You really think this will help me?" She was embarrassed to say this.

After a heartbeat, a robotic smile was plastered on his face. "Of course. I'll pick you up later this afternoon? Feel free to tell Andrain if you want to." With that, he left to meet with Karl and George.

An arm snaked around her waist pulling her against his hard chest, Andrain buried his head in her soft red hair and she squirmed under him, pressing her hand against his chest and pushed him away. He pouted but didn't seem that disappointed.

Should she tell him about the 'date'? Damien said it was fine and she was sure that he and Andrain were close enough to not let such a small thing cause a rift between them.


It was best that she kept it to herself, for now, she didn't need to do anything complicated either, she can simply tell him she was visiting Issac or something.

"Hey, Andrain?" She mumbled and he blinked before casting a worried glance at her.

"Whats wrong Catty?" He inquired, raising a brow.

"I need to go to Issac and Vera's place later this afternoon, they say they wanna help me with History, I've been falling behind."

"Do you want me to tag along? I mean I know my grades are nothing to boast about and I'm not that good of a teacher but... I would like to help any way I can."

Cat loved how he can say such things like that, then again, she also hated it. When she was young, she was taught to be suspicious of a lot of things, she couldn't even trust her own future subjects, where did trust get her with Luis? Andrain was different in that regard, he was too trusting, too cheerful, too willing to put aside his own interests to help others, even if he would suffer. Thus... she had to be on guard for him.

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