Chapter 20- Perfect Girls...

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"This was a dumb idea." Andrain sighed.

"This was your dumb idea!" Karl and George exclaimed in unison.

"Don't remind me."

They were currently handcuffed to what he assumed was an old pipeline, in a pitch black room that didn't allow a sliver of light, the three could only tell each apart from their voices. Now, you're probably wondering why they were in that situation. The answer to that question was simple: they were captured.

In hindsight, seeking out Lucas and confronting with no backup plan was indeed dumb. The Kevins twins made a futile attempt to restrain their hotheaded friend. Andrain completely lost it when he saw Lucas and before any more could be done, they were knocked unconscious and brought to their current 'cell' of sorts.

The three have lived in the town their whole lives yet the environment around them was unfamiliar and they had no inkling of their whereabouts but, then again, why would they? It was dark as hell. Their phones were taken away and they probably had to pat down Andrain to find all the backups he kept. Even if they had a way to communicate with somebody, they would be unable to lead them to wherever the fuck they were.

Damien was also separated from them for some reason, the cell was not small, it could have easily fitted six or more people. Why did they only take Damien away? Andrain wasn't even scared, although he was unable to say the same for his friends. It was his fault for being too brash and got them all in this mess, maybe he shouldn't have asked for their help. 

The door opened and light poured into the cell, the trio had to look away, their eyes took a few seconds to adjust to the light. "You guys did me a huge favour by just coming to me. Really saved me a lot of work. Thanks!" There stood the last person Andrain wanted to see, Lucas.

His smug smirk enraged him, his whole being enraged the Crowne heir. He pulled at his cuffs, the cold metal digging into his skin, he couldn't even register the pain.

"Where are we? What have you guys done with Damien?" Andrain growled. Lucas just stared at him, as if taking pleasure in his pitiful state. "TELL ME!"

"You're underneath Swanford right now." Came his simple answer.


"Are ya getting short of hearing? Ya should be more like your friends and just stay quiet. This is some weird tunnel system under the town, apparently has been here for a long time. There are rooms just like the one you guys are in, all over the place. It closed down sometime back but, it has a new purpose now. I suggest you take it all in, after all, this is the place where you're going to die."

Karl let out a sigh. "Well, would you look at that. Who could have known?" Note the sarcasm.

Lucas rolled his eyes, slamming the door shut with a bang. Andrain let his eyes adjust to the darkness once again before speaking.

"So do we have a plan?"

"Nope." George voiced, shrugging.

"Guess we'll die," Karl added, it appears that the weight of the whole situation has yet to hit them.

He thought about how Caterina was doing. Was she worried sick? Was she missing him as much as he was missing her? He never thought about how much he wanted to make her smile before, even though he was always trying to see her rosy lips upturn into the smallest of smiles. It made him happy that he was able to accomplish that. That's when the fact hit him like a truck: he was in love with Caterina.


This was a dumb idea. Issac thought as he glanced at the phone for the thousandth time, it wasn't even his, it was Vera's. It's been just a little over three days after Andrain, Damien, Karl and George's disappearance and his fiance was worried sick. Catrina has just been more emotionally detached than ever she has been locked up in the apartment and wouldn't even let Issac or Vera in. Vera thought it was best to leave her alone for the time being while they try to get the boys back.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2018 ⏰

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