Chapter 5- Perfect Girls Are Efficient

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A/N: I'm actually a huge Swift fan and this song got me thinking of Vera. Will upload the legal version of it soon. (but yeah) Enjoy!


Cat was intrigued by the whole, post whatever you want concept. Back in Floeya, her social media was controlled by her father's advisors, she wasn't allowed to leak anything that hasn't been approved by the council. Anything that was uploaded was never by Cat and this new control made her shiver with anticipation.

"What should I post?" She asked Andrain in passing.

"Post what normal girls post like those, hashtag no makeup and filter stuff that we all know has some filter on it. But they can just get away with it cause why not?" Cat furrowed her brows as Andrain's voice got increasing louder. "But then every time I take a selfie I just look like ass,"

Cat chuckled and patted Andrain on the back reassuringly. "Is it that time of the month?"

"Don't you dare Catty. I already have to face this shit from the guys; you have to be on my side,"

Cat snatched his phone out of his hands and decided to see the pictures that he claimed were 'ass' and all she saw was a bunch of blur images. She swiped and saw even went through some other pictures that weren't screenshots and they were all equally unpleasing to the eye.

"Could it just be the pictures and not you?" Cat nervously said. "I think you look fine,"

Andrain arched a brow at her and retorted. "Fine, doesn't do it for me Catty! I'm anything but 'fine'. I'm gorgeous,"


"Don't mock me!"

"I'm just trying to bring you down from your high horse,"

Andrain remained expressionless and opened his palm, asking for his phone back, Cat grinned at him before returning it and then flopping back onto the sofa as she waited for Andrain to join her. Before he could sit, Dan leapt up startling Andrain, the cat meowed and Andrain groaned.

"Just take a picture of Dan or something, people go crazy for cute cats," Andrain glanced at Dan and added. "Well as cute as he can be,"

Cat allowed Dan to crawl into her lap, the cat narrowed his eyes at Andrain as if he was staking his territory by brushing up against the redhead as she scooped him up and cuddled with him. Dan started purring and rubbing his head against her chin.

When Andrain heard from Karl that it was Ally that hurt Cat, he was ready to punch something, he knew it was going to happen and he did jack shit about it. He wanted to confront Ally, they may have known each other since childhood, however, Ally changed in a bad way when her parents divorced.

He knows that deep down Ally only clings onto him because of his the only person that was always by her side and she was afraid of losing him despite that, she had no right to threaten Catty the way she did.

A bright flash snapped Andrain out of his thoughts, Cat was holding her phone up to his face, she blinked and her cheeks stained as red as her hair.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to leave the flash on! I thought I could just take a picture of you and..." Cat held Dan up to her face as if he would shield her from shame, Dan just went along with it like it was just a normal Saturday.

"It's okay Catty, I don't mind getting my picture taken... even if I do look like shit," Andrain sighed.

"I think you look dashing. You don't need pictures to prove that,"

"You're just being nice,"

"I'm being honest,"

God, could this girl be any more perfect? She was beautiful, had a great personality and was already catching up on all the classes, Andrain can totally see her getting the best student of the year title. When she heard about Andrain's situation and how he would be expelled if he didn't find the culprit, Cat offered her help without once doubting him.

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