Chapter 16- Perfect Girls Say Yes

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A/N: This will be one of the last few 'fluff' chapters until the climax, I'm pouring all of my heart and emotions into these chapters until my tea time with Satan. Good luck!


I was born to be a guardian.

A fact that was made painfully obvious to Issac ever since he entered the castle walls when he was ten and met the to-be-queen, Princess Caterina. She was doll-like, with her huge violet-blue eyes that shone as brightly as a diamond, she was the girl that he was meant to lay down his life for. Why? Simply because it's expected of a Windshire, he shall kill and be killed for her.

Then I met you.

The random bartender in a tight skirt and killer legs with an attitude, she was one of the few that didn't view him as a tool, to her, he was simply 'Issac' to her. Vera quickly became his anchor, with her headstrong personality and sweet ambrosia-like voice. He cannot determine if she was an angel or a demon, either ways, he gave everything to her, that smile made everything worth it. Her smile, like the moon during his starless nights, the music in the silence, with her, he began to feel new emotions he thought he didn't deserve to feel."

"You look good in that dress." He commented as he was behind the counter, Vera liked to come in when no one was ever around.

Vera's eyes widened slightly, she looked down as if to check what she was wearing again, it was a black maxi dress that had a slit running up mid-thigh, she had left her bike back at Noir and walked over instead.

"Well, then I'll be sure to start wearing it more often." She said with a mischievous smile playing on her lips.

He loved how she looks at him with those eyes, with longing, how he could so easily drown in those deep blue depths if given the chance. They had mutual interests as well, they agreed on almost anything, even down to the small things.

"Best types of movies?" Andrain had directed this question to Cat who was stroking Dan as he curled up on her lap.

Before she could reply the couple across from them spoke in unison. "Action." They looked up in surprise at each other and narrowed their eyes, Andrain and Cat were watching this interaction intently. "Marvel!" They shouted at the same time. "Hawkeye doesn't suck!" Even they had to admit it was kinda weird.

"Great, you two are fucking mindreaders now go back home." Cat chuckled as Andrain lost his temper at them.


The day has arrived, the day when he would bring himself to propose, the ring was tucked under his massive pile of clothes in the drawer that he knows Vera never touches. She hated doing house chores, as long as she did the cooking, he was fine with doing all the laundry and colour coding of the clothes.

 He was happy that he finally fixed the house, gone was the ugly mustard yellow walls and pepper green ceilings, whoever thought that was a good combination, deserved to go to hell. He and Vera spend most of their free time repainting the house, he had to admit that if he had to do it alone, he would have just tolerated the ugliness of the house. However, his roommate seemed to hate the colour coordination of it just as much as he did and suggested they repaint the whole thing. Now the home seemed to finally have some form of order, the black and white made the space cosy. 

They were still in bed, Issac had an off day in preparation for the big proposal, he barely got any sleep just thinking about it. Vera was always hogging the blankets and he deduced that the same thing happened the night before when he woke up cold and she was cosily wrapped in the sheets. He has already gotten used to it, what can he do about it?

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