Chapter 10- Perfect Girls Talk Love

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A/N: HEY GUYS, scroll up because I just updated a new X'mas chapter, and yes, it's totally canon and not at all a view grab.


Andrain and Cat shared some classes together, the only few classes they didn't have together was gym class, which she shared with Karl. She observed that he wasn't the most athletic person in the group, but, he looked decent enough to hold his own. During one of their many discussions, she learned he was a purple belt in karate, when Cat revealed herself she was a black belt in it as well as others, the guys freaked.

Cat then asked what the big deal was since if Karl was a purple belt, he must surely be aiming for a black belt as well to which he replied. "Well, I quit a while ago. Exams and all that, my parents wanted me to focus on studies so they pulled me out. Haven't really thought about going back to it,"

George scoffed and added. "You're just too wuss cause you know Cat will kick your ass, you've been out of karate for two years now,"

"And you never even took it up because you know I would have been better than you,"

"Here's an idea, why don't you fight Cat and we'll see?"

"Please, I can never do such a thing to a girl,"

This made Cat arch her brow, she stared at their exchange while she can sense Andrain and Damien growing uneasy, waiting for her response. She grinned at the two and somehow this made them even more nervous.

"Sure, where do you wanna do it?" 

George clenched his stomach as he burst into laughter, while Karl was just simply speechless and Cat was sure she heard Andrain and Damien facepalm behind her. 

"Are ya sure?" Karl didn't seem like he wanted to.

"Yeah yeah, I'm positive. We'll see what a purple belt is made of," Cat confirmed.

George then suggested they held this 'fight' in the Crowne manor where they had a sparring room and everything, apparently this was news to Andrain since he had no idea such a room existed. Then asked George how he knew about it when the supposed 'owner' of the house didn't.

"I guess that means I spend way more time in your house than you do," George said with a smug smirk on his face.

"I don't think you should be proud of that and I really regret giving you guys the key codes to my manor," Andrain rolled his eyes. "Which we will need to seek out Vera for, she re-set them and confiscated our key cards,"

"More like threatened us, the woman twisted my arm, literally,"

"Well, maybe you shouldn't have been such a little bitch about it,"

Vera seemed like the type of person would get physical to get what she wanted and Cat respected that, Vera knew what she wanted and acted accordingly to get it. What did Cat have? A directionless need to be away from her responsibilities? Even with all her lessons, Cat never felt like she could be queen. Was it because she felt like she didn't know her people well enough? Was it because she felt like she didn't want to be in an arranged marriage? Was it because she wasn't perfect?

A perfect queen could have achieved everything, she could have understood what was expected of her and took her rightful place on the throne where her people will accept and love her. Or was Cat afraid they would resent and abhor her simply because she didn't fit the mould? A perfect queen would have given her hand in marriage to a stranger for the good of her kingdom and always stay loyal to him. Even if she didn't want to.

"Catty," Andrain snapped his fingers in front of the redhead, she looked up at him, were they preparing to leave the apartment? "Vera should be at home now, she lives in Waterlily Street, wanna come with or meet up with us at the manor?"

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