Chapter 3- Perfect Girls Don't Room With Boys

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Cat had to admit, she had more living space than she thought she would, maybe it was due to the lack of a roommate. She still had some books which she had to take back because she had reading assignments, which she left splayed all over the floor. She wasn't a big fan of the cleaning thing.

A small meow came from under the table, Dan's tabby head peeked out as he meowed again at his owner, the dorms allowed normal pets such as birds dogs hamsters etc. Which Cat was really grateful for; she had to put Dan in an animal shelter in town when they moved because the hotel didn't allow animals. Issac and Dan never got along, hence, her attendant was reluctant to take care of him, not to mention that Issac wouldn't have time to.

Dan trotted over to Cat who was lying on the sofa, Dan leapt up, using his claws to grab on and curled into a ball on Cat's stomach, the princess smiled and scratched behind his ears, making him purr.

"At least I have you, Dan," Cat used her other free hand to stroke his fur. "I can't imagine being alone all the time," There was no TV in the dorm rooms and each floor had their own wifi, so that Cat wouldn't run out of entertainment.

If it was any other animal, Cat would be worried that she wouldn't be able to look after them, she can barely take care of herself during that time. However, she was with Dan, the cat grew up taking care of Cat, all the redhead had to do was leave the window open and Dan may come and go as he pleased. In addition, Dan was toilet trained, he wouldn't make any mess and Cat need not be concerned about overspending her expenses. She was given a meal card that consisted of fifty dollars to use for a month and the food in the academy are reasonably priced.

The dorm wasn't big, it consisted of five buildings which all had three floors each, it seemed like the dorms were just built for rich kids that didn't want to live with their parents. Or parents who didn't want to live with their kids. The rule was two people maximum can share a room and a pet may be allowed as long as the other party involved agrees.

Did she want a roommate? Cat had to admit it would be nice if she did, she didn't think she would be able to keep the place tidy for long, not to mention it would get crazy boring.

"I don't need a roommate when I have you." This made Dan purr and snuggle more against Cat, she chuckled as she stroked his grey fur, that was right, she didn't need a roommate.


"What did you do?" Andrian's 'guardian' asked beside him.

"I have no idea!" How could he possibly know? He was called in randomly and was forced to attend school much earlier than needed, usually, he slept in until half an hour before his classes. "And I should be asking you the same thing!" He threw his hands up in the air in frustration, those six hours of sleep were not doing him any favours.

He was not lying either, Vera looked like shit, her hair was tousled slightly as if she didn't have time to properly comb it and instead run through it with her fingers, while she was still in her bartender's uniform, the clothes were wrinkled and her pencil skirt was slightly torn. It was a small tear, almost unnoticeable, so it was probably not a big deal.

"Don't you dare make this about me, the principal called for you." Vera narrowed her eyes at him, he felt like a child again, being told off by his babysitter for doing something he wasn't supposed to be doing. "Now answer the question... What. Did. You. Do?" 

"I told you I am as clueless as you are!" Andrain exclaimed in a futile attempt to defend himself.

"We'll just have to see and then your punishment will be issued accordingly."

"Ah, Miss Moella, apologies for the hasty call this morning," Principal Boyce finally makes his entrance. "We have to discuss Mr Cronwe's latest shenanigan."

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