Chapter 17- Perfect Cats Are Loyal Until The End

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"Can I hold one of them?" Cat asked her nanny, wonder evident in her sparkling violet eyes as they were fixated on the tiny mammal that was nestled with his siblings and mother.

It was love at first sight. The tiny grey kitten's blue eyes met hers and she was instantly captivated by him, out of the litter of six, he was the one that caught her eye. Being the runt of the litter, the kitten was singled out and pushed away by his siblings and that prevented him from suckling from his mother, Panther.

After the other kits left Cat was still with the tiny kitten and Panther, the motherly cat had the kitten under her paw. Cat asked the caretaker if the small kitten had been fed yet when the woman in charge said she was unable to recall if he had, the princess took matters into her own hands.

"Help with this Issac!" She commanded and her attendant cast her a questioning look. "Get me a baby bottle!"

"What why?" It was a sudden request, anyone would be slightly taken aback, however, the glare that the young princess shot at him was enough to make him comply. "I got everything phew... you asked for." He was panting by the time he has gotten back to Cat's room. "Do you need anything else?"

"Peace and quiet would be very appreciated, now close the door behind you. I'm going to become a cat momma soon."

Issac just shrugged and did as he was told, little Cat can do whatever she wanted since she was the princess after all. She checked the formula again, to make sure it was safe for the little kitten to drink. After deciding that her work was perfect, she wrapped the kitten in a fluffy blanket and started feeding him by hand, making sure the bottle was angled at the right position and that the kitten was drinking. When the kitten was full, it started making a small squeak in its attempt to meow, Cat's eye's lit up at this and instantly decided she wanted this kitten for herself.

"You're going to need a name..." after a few short moments, the perfect came to her, as if it was always meant to be. "Do you like to be called Dan?"

The kitten made no responses and since Cat was unable to tell whether it liked it for not, she took the silence as a yes. 

"YEAH!" She squealed so loud the helpers thought she was being kidnapped, Issac was the first to burst open the door and basically, everyone was stunned when they saw her cuddling with Dan. The small kitten was still oblivious but hey, he liked it. "We're going to be together forever!"

"Princess..." Her nanny called out. "I think the cat needs to breathe."

"OH RIGHT! Sorry, Dan!"

Ten weeks past, Dan's eyes finally opened and the first sight he saw was a red-haired princess with violet-blue eyes, greeting him with a smile. When she saw his eyes opened, she was so excited she almost hit the ceiling.

The months went on by and while Dan still played with his litter mates and mother, he was most commonly found by Cat's side, she would feed him personally and play with him when his siblings exclude him. Panther would sometimes roam the castle halls in search of her kit and when she sees them snuggled together on the couch, she would peacefully them be. 

Issac seemed to have taken a liking to the kitten too if Dan was unable to locate his mistress, he would seek out Issac and the blonde would smile brightly at him before carrying him to the princess. His litter mates eventually left the castle and were given to various politicians that had children who were seeking out good housepets. Dan and Panther were the only two felines that strolled the halls until Panther's inevitable passing.

Cat remembered how much her mother wept that day, she took a whole day off work and a funeral was prepared. Cat herself wondered if she would ever cry like that for Dan, they were inseparable by then, staying true to their promise. While the people dispersed for the day, mother stayed by the grave along with father, silence reigned. 

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