Chapter 5

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"Another vision"

Huh? I'm looking at the mirror, wearing a tux. I twist my body a little bit to see how it looks on me.

"Hmm, pretty nice." I compliment myself.

I notice the mirror has a picture of Sara on the edge and another one of...Jess in the opposite side. What does this mean?

I gasp reaching for air as soon as I wake up.

"Jeez, it wasn't scary at least." I said to my self.

As soon I get up from the bed, my destination was to head down stairs and make something for myself... but old habits die hard for Sara as I witness her making breakfast already.

"Mmm, smells real good." I complimented.

It was bacon and pancakes.

"Oh, t-thanks and good morning." She answers with a chuckle.

I sat on the chair beside the table and got served breakfast. On my way to get the first bite, Sara's gaze strikes me... she was starring at me.

"Hey? Are you okay?" I ask.

"Y-Yeah, more then ever." She chuckles nervously.

After eating my breakfast I get ready for school. On my way to school chills crawl up my spine. Looking around like crazy I notice the small arms waving in front of me.

"Hey! You forgot about me already?" The childish yet serious voice yells.

"Oh, lil Jake." I smile.

Aka: Little vision me

"What? We'll talk about that later, but more importantly look at Sara" He points behind me, "Sara is weirder than before."

I look and see her looking down...and sad.

"You should help-"

While heading towards her I sigh and ask.

"What's wrong?"

She flinches and looks up at me,

"Oh, nothing." She speeds up a little.

"Damn it... I don't think she's capable of waiting." I realizing.

"Yep, I thought you had known that from the beginning." Lil me answers.

In five minutes we reached the school and then got our normal classes. Sara had been focusing in class... so focused she never realized how I tried to get her attention unless the class was already over. Now it was lunch time, and on reaching the cafeteria I see Jess and Ellie seated on a chair eating lunch, I decide to ask if I could join. They welcome me with open arms... but Sara on the other hand felt uneasy and anxious.

"Are you okay?" Jess asked.

"Yeah, I-I'm totally fine." She says while sitting down, "I've heard a lot about you, that's all." She chuckles.

I've now realized, Sara has been really chuckling a lot today...

"Oh, don't believe rumors." Jess reassured, "If you want to know who am I then ask me... but do it later cuz I want to talk about Jake's taste of books."

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