Chapter 26 -- Goodbye

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[Luhan's POV]

Its 8am in the morning..

Im going to talk to Krisha at 9am, I'll surprise her in her house.

I bought a boquet of flowers and a Teddy Bear.

Im kinda nervous but at the same time excited 'cause at last I can tell her everything.

I ride at my motorcycle and drive through their house

Im here infront of their house right now..

my heart is beating so fast. Im nervous, but I can do this..

I take a deep breath and knock at their door

*knock* *knock*

This is it Luhan...

A girl opened the door,

I thought it was Krisha but its Yumi,

I smiled at her

"Hi Yumi.. Can I talk to Krisha?"

She looks at me and looked at the flowers and the stuffed toy.


[Krisha's POV]

Its already 8am..

Gosh! I need to hurry, my flight is 9am!

Yes, Im going back to the Philippines..

I decide to go home to forget all what happen here in Korea.


I want to start again..

"Im ready!" I said to my Mom.

Dad will be left here for his business so only my Mom is with me.

"Let's go dear" she said.

I looked at Yumi.. aishh... I'll miss this girl

"Yumi..take good care ok?" I said. my eyes are filling with tears

"ne~ you too ok? I'll miss you"

"I'll miss you too Yumi, dont worry, I'll visit you here"

"promise? be back soon ok?" she said and hugged me

We both cried. after all she's been my sister even just in a short time. but she'll still stay here in our house.

"bye now" I said

and we wave Goodbye..

I went inside the car and we drove away.

for the last time I looked at the house again..

a motorcycle stopped infront of the house, He looks familiar? I cant see whats he's holding..


nah... here I am again , remembering that guy.. stop dreaming Krisha, He don't love you anymore, or maybe.. he never loved you. so stop this..

I took a deep sigh and closed my eyes..

this is it Krisha, Forget all what happen to Korea.

after a couple of minutes where here at the airport.

its only 10minutes before our flight.

they called us to get ready now and went to the waiting area.

For the last time I looked outside, why am I still hoping that Luhan will come here? you're so stupid Krisha.

I face down and felt sad again.

"You want to back out dear?" my mom asked

"no mom, lets go now"

[Luhan's POV]

I quickly ran to my motorcycle and drove through the airport,

Krisha! please wait for me! I haven't told you yet how much I love you !

after a couple of minutes Im here at the airport..

I looked around to see Krisha..

God help me! Please I want to talk to her,

I looked everywhere but I cant see her.

"Excuse me sir, did the flight to the philippines have already board?" I asked the information guy

"oh.. Yes sir, about 5mins. ago"

"thank you"

I felt weak, I think Im going to cry anytime now.

Krisha... Krisha...

Is this really Goodbye? do I have to forget you? but I love you so much..

you're my First Love..

I just cry so hard. I dont care people stare at me. Im just wearing my mask.

Krisha... Why did you leave me??


the ending is getting near :))

hope you still look forward to my story..


kamsa ~ ^○^

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