Chapter 7

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Chapter Seven (Natalie's Pov)

"It's so beautiful!" I say as the four of us stand by the beach.

"You act like you have never seen a beach before," Madi laughs at my amazement.

"I have just not in a long time. My parents would always be working and my brother at college," I reply and wiggle my sand filled toes.

"Brother?" Lachlan raises his eyebrow at me,"I didn't know you had a brother."

"Yeah, I had a brother," I say awkwardly,"Lets go have fun!"

I run to the water and take a leap of faith into it,"It's cold!"

"Don't be such a baby!" Preston teases,"It's not that co- HOLEY MOTHER OF GOD THAT COLD!"

"I told you it's cold!" I laugh at his high pitched scream.

Lachlan stands right on the edge of the water. I stare at his small but, perfect muscles. He returns the stare and smirks at me. I'm obviously checking him out and he is checking me out, simple logic.

Preston stands next to Lachlan and whispers something in his ear,"Wha-" Before I can finish I am plowed over by a huge wave.

A hand grabs my arm and pulls me up. I suspect it to be Preston but, it's Lachlan. He smiles at me and pulls me even closer to him.

"There was a wave," He laughs and kisses me.

"That got sexual," Preston says making me jump. I don't know why I would be so frightened. He was literally right there once I fell over.

"Damn you," Lachlan mutters.

"Did you guys hook up?" Preston asks with a weird smile on his face.

"No! I am still a virgin," Lachlan replied immediately.

"VIRGINS FOREVA!" I shout and throw a fist into the air.

"Then are you dating?" He asks.

We both laugh,"Do you ever just have the one friend you want to hug and kiss all the time?" Lachlan asks.

"Err-No but, I think Mitch can relate," Preston replied and points at the beach where Mitch and Madi are currently kissing.

"That doesn't count!" Lachlan protests,"They do that all the time."

Preston nods his head in agreement,"Who would blame him? Madi is hot! Now that Mitch took her virginity he is all over her."

"Mitch didn't take her virginity, Jerome did, he told me," I reply.

"No fucking way," Lachlan's jaw drops.

"Mitch doesn't know?" Preston asks.

"Not a clue," I cross my arms over my chest.

"Oh shit! Well, their relationship is screwed," Lachlan replies.

I run onto the sand and start screaming,"TOO MUCH PDA! TOO MUCH PDA!"

Mitch trips me with his foot and laughs,"This is my lady! I can do whatever I want with her."

"And if you do whatever you want I will beat your ass," Madi replies, shooting him down quickly.

I wipe the sand off my knees and sit next to then,"Is anyone else hungry?"

"I am," Lachlan says while sitting next to me.

"That was one nice kiss Lachlan," Madi teases.

"Get over it people!" He shouts.

"I seriously am hungry though," Madi says with a snap of her finger.

We ended up getting some food, went back to the beach, got more food, and that basically brings us up to what we are doing right now.

Preston sits on the floor while Lachlan and I sit on the bed. Mitch and Madi are doing who knows what. We are currently watching VeggieTales.

Mother fudging VeggieTales!

"Why is this so entertaining?" Preston ask with a raised voice like we can't hear him.

"Because we have tiny brains!" Lachlan replies.

"You guys have tiny brains, me on the other hand do n-" I am cut off by Preston.

"Is it just me or do you hear crying?" He asks.

"I hear it too, Natalie go check," Lachlan nudges me.

"Why me!?" I shout.

"Uhm- Because!" He replies.

"Because why?" I ask.

He smirks at me,"Because I said so, that's why."

I glare at him,"Fine! I will be right back."

I roll off the bed and walk over to the door. I walk down the hallway and peer into the kitchen.

Madi stands at the sink with Mitch next to her, rubbing her back. Madi's arms are a bright red, like blood. I jump at the sight of it and hit my back on the wall. Luckily nobody noticed.

"I don't understand, Mitch. I just don't understand!" Madi sobs.

"Madi," He sighs,"What has been going on with you lately? This can't happen here Madi. I hate to see you like this but, you have to hide what your feeling. These people are our friends and they can't know about this shit!"

"Why are you doing this Madi?" Mitch pleads.

"You're going to freak out," She presses her palms in to edge of the counter.

"Whatever it is I promise I won't freak out," He wraps his hand around her waist.

She sighs and looks up at him,"I'm pregnant."

"It's mine right?" He asks.

"Of course it's yours Mitch," She replied almost relieved.

"Once a secret best friend always a secret best friend," He says softly and kisses her.

I run back to Lachlan's room an close the door behind me.

"What happened?" Preston asks quickly taking notice of my breathlessness.

I awkwardly sit next to Lachlan,"Nothing. It's just some romance movie."

"Poor Mitch," Lachlan chuckles.

Just once I think I'm clear Madi screams,"OF COURSE YOU WOULD THINK IT'S JEROME'S! WHY CAN'T YOU TRUST ME!? DAMN YOU!"



Preston looks at Lachlan and he looks at me,"I-I Err- Madi's pregnant."

(Authors Notes)

Calm yo booty! STAY CALM! It's not Madeline. It's not some random baby. Madi is pregnant but, it will end up dying. I bet you found out a lot about Madi that you wanted. A.) Jerome took her virginity. B.) Madi was actually pregnant before

I've been adding all the things that I were supposed to happen in the I Still Love You Series and guess what! SOMETHING HAPPENS IN THE NEXT CHAPTER AND IT'S JUST SO ADORABLE JUST YASS

(Sorry for the short chapter!)

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