Shimmering Memories

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I stumble through the woods, my hood up as I try to get as far away as possible from the village I woke up locked up in. A simple cell can never keep me trapped for long but they'll be tracking me and if I don't move quick enough I'll end up filled with silver knives. I didn't even hurt anyone, they just didn't like my transformation. I shouldn't have left the jungle but that thing, the fire it caused, didn't leave me much of a choice. I knew I was meant to keep track of the moon cycle but after days of going without food, I needed to go to the village.

I don't know this area like I knew my jungle, the new smells overwhelming me enough that even if one of my hunters was right behind me I wouldn't be able to tell. The burning cut on my arm reminds me that they don't need to get that close, they just need to see me. That's why I can't stop moving, I shouldn't stop moving but when I see her I do.

She has tanned skin with freckles scattered across it, clear as she almost glows in the sunlight. Dark brown waves of hair roll down her shoulders. It's messy but clearly taken care of. Purple butterfly wings on her back tell me that she's a fairy (at least if I remember the stories right) but I've never seen anything like her. She turns, a smile growing on her face.

"Jordan, I knew you'd be here somewhere, I knew you weren't dead!" She says, hugging me despite how everything she just said makes no sense. However she knows my name is a mystery, I certainly didn't tell her. The hug doesn't feel normal either, it's far too close for this to just be a weird thing that fairies do and, with her wings, I have no idea what to do with my arms. She seems to realise that I'm not reacting the way she expected me too. She steps back a little, the glow that previously surrounded her dimming. "Jordan, what's wrong?"

"How do you know my name?" I ask and her face falls. I feel terrible for making her feel sad even if I don't quite understand her. It feels like there's a tugging in my chest that is telling me that I should listen to her, that I should just accept it since she isn't trying to kill me but it almost seems that I've done the damage just by asking. "Never mind, you're not with the hunters are you?"

"No... but you don't remember me?" She hovers an inch in the air, her wings flapping slightly. She looks likes she's never been so confused, face seconds away from becoming tear stained. Suddenly, her expression changes - her eyes widening before grabbing a hold of me and pushing me to the side. I fall.

I land on a wooden floor much different from the mud I expecting to fall on to. The room I'm now in is familiar, looking so much like the one I once has in my tree. If it weren't for the lack of the humid air I'd think I was back there. I sit up, trying to figure out what exactly happened when I see the fairy in the corner, a silver knife in her shoulder.

She slowly slides down the wall as she breathes heavily, desperately rooting through a bag on her shoulder. I stand up, attempting to get over to her while my mind is trying to figure out how to help her. Yet before I have time to help at all, a man pushes through the door.

"Capsize!" The man with dragonfly wings yells as he sees the scene. She smiles weakly at him as he takes the pouch from her. He pours some of the contents on her shoulder before ripping out the knife. I gasp but they don't even react making me wonder what monsters I'm stuck with. I look back at the fairies, expecting a horror show only to see no harm to the woman who saved me.

"Thanks, just a little tired from the transport Red," She murmurs leaning onto the man, her eyes glance at me as her weak smile stops the pounding in my ears. Looking at them together something seems wrong though, how brightly the man glows compared to the girl leaning on his shoulder.

"You're not tired, you're shimmering. You're lucky you hadn't used up your dust supply," My head starts spinning as things start returning to me, conversations streaming through my head without warning.

"Cap! You're not healing!"

"It doesn't matter, I just need some dust from my pouch."

"Why aren't you making any dust yourself? Are you fading?"

"It's called shimmering and it's just because I'm worried. You didn't come back."

"I'll always come back, I promise."

"I told you I'd always come back," I whisper it not expecting either of them to hear me but both of them turn, Capsize's glow partly returning as she almost crawls over to me. She hugs me like she did in the woods but this time I know why she's doing it. There's still a feeling of unease as I think about the moments before I lost my memories, the group of people I saw.

I thought that they would be trustworthy, they didn't attack me straight after I told them what I was. When I told them that I was looking for the lost goddess though, then they changed - it's lucky that I didn't tell them about Capsize or Red since I doubt they would be okay if I had. I don't quite know why I wasn't killed outright but I'm at least grateful for that but they'll be back. They'll be back but that time but I won't trust them when they do, not the so-called Champions of the Gods.


This is a story that going to be made up of a few mini-stories that I'll probably not update continuously but I didn't want this to just be a one shot so it'll almost definitely have a few more parts added.

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