A Song of Separation

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I try not to seem nervous as I sit a little bit away from the camp the others have set up. It's stupid but they still scare me, I can't force myself to trust them. They took away my memories once and I know they apologised and they seemed to mean it but nothing is stopping them from doing it again. I should just trust them like everyone else does, after all, they're helping save Capsize but that's sort of hard. Even if I know that Capsize would probably be able to see the good in them. I mean, I think she'd be cautious, she trusts my judgement and their actions hurt her a lot too, but she still is the sort of person to see good in a lot of things. At least, she normally is. There are certain people even she can't see the good in and after her nightmares she's usually less than optimistic about the future.

That's why I need to make sure she's okay. I can't even imagine what she might be going through but I know it can't be good. Maybe I'm just overthinking things because of how close the full moon is, I usually get a little more anxious around this time, but I can't stop thinking about things that could be happening to Capsize. She should be safe; she should be with me laughing and telling me all of her stories and ideas. I stare up at the moon, she always loved the moon and she made it seem less scary to me. Before I met her, I thought I was a monster. But well, Capsize understands what it's like to be born with a strange power that you can't control, she helped me realise that I don't need to be afraid of myself.

I do sometimes have my doubts, like how my powers manifest in annoying ways. Like now, I know the others are looking at me, I can feel it. I can always feel when people are looking at me. It can get overwhelming at times, as too many eyes on me can start to drive my instincts to hide and lash out at those who find me. I can't give in to that instinct but it hurts to ignore. If I could just relax it'll go away but it's sort of hard to do right now.

The moon catches my eyes again and I remember what I want to do, what I need to do. I want to tell Capsize that we're coming for her, that she'll be safe soon. And I know I can do it. It will feel unnatural in this form but I know I can do it. I look at the moon and I howl. It goes out into the night. I can hear it travelling and I can feel the others staring more. They don't get it; they can't understand it. That isn't their fault, I know. But if Capsize can hear, she'll understand. It surprised me the first time she admitted she did but now it makes me feel so much happier than I would be otherwise.

"It sounds like singing when you do that," Capsize says as I finish howling, a smile of amazement on her face. She has that look a lot, I've never met someone so happy to learn new things. Despite how long I've known her for this point, she still has so many questions to ask me and she always seems to be happy to learn about them. She lays back a bit, leaning on her elbows as she stares up at the sky above our camp. "How do you put your voice in it?"

"It's just a sort of thing werewolves can do to communicate. Only other werewolves can..." I stop as I process what Capsize just said as well as the fact I know and was about to say. Only werewolves can understand each other's howls and Capsize has just admitted that she understands mine. But Capsize isn't a werewolf. She can't be, I would've noticed. It's not exactly something you can hide. The few other werewolves I've met have always had a weird smell, Capsize doesn't have that smell. "Capsize, you shouldn't be able to hear words in my howls. Unless you're a werewolf but you aren't, are you?"

"No, I'm pretty sure I'm not. I mean, I don't think that fairies can be. They couldn't be last time I asked," Capsize says which makes me even more confused. Why on earth was Capsize asking about that? It wouldn't be necessary unless... Unless she got bitten. Did I bite her? Wouldn't she have mentioned that to me? "You're overthinking again. Say what you're thinking, Jordan."

"Did I bite you when I was transformed once?" I have to ask even though I don't want to. Capsize looks at me, a little sad, but then she just sighs. She moves to be resting on her knees.

"It wasn't a bite; it was just a little scratch. I don't think you noticed but it didn't hurt. It was gone less than a minute later," She smiles, but I still feel guilty. I could've forced to be like me. Even if Capsize doesn't see me as something dangerous her being a werewolf is different. She doesn't seem scared though, she's still smiling and takes my hand. "I know you'd never hurt me, Jordan. And I trust you so don't worry about me."

I feel a few tears as I remember her words. Gods, I feel so empty. Even if I can't confirm if Capsize heard me, I've at least tried to tell her that we're coming. Hopefully, we don't take too long.


I'm so happy to be writing again properly!!! I mean, I'm still sorta bummed because I was meant to be in a musical this week but concentrating on the bad isn't going to get me anywhere. So I've been writing chapters of this (as well as some oneshots that I've put in a new oneshot book if you feel like checking those out).
I have a bit of a backlog now since I originally thought I was going to be stuck without a computer next month but that problem has now been solved but I am still super excited about the chapters that are still to come.

I hope you enjoyed! Comments and feedback are welcomed!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2020 ⏰

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