The Beginning of a Journey

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"Do you have to go?" Ianita asks, looking at me with her usual curious eyes. Her wings on her back move a little, allowing me to see the patterns on them. She looks confused which I suppose is understandable. I normally try to tell her a few days before I leave when it's possible. Red also doesn't normally leave either. Despite the puppy-dog look in her eyes, though, I know how I answer to answer her. I can't stay here, not this time.

"I'm afraid I do, 'Nita," I say. I use the nickname that Red and Capsize often use. I don't quite understand why they insist on using nicknames. Capsize attempted to explain it once when I asked about her real name. It was sort of hard to understand exactly what she meant. The only completely clear thing was that she believed using nicknames is something that keeps fairies safe. I wish that was true. I wish that she was safe.

"But who's going to stay with Will and me?" She asks seeming completely confused. She obviously thought that Red wouldn't be coming since he normally doesn't. Honestly, Red himself didn't think that he was going to leave. Of course, there will be someone here who will be able to look after them. Deadeye isn't coming with us after all. It was pretty clear that he won't be leaving for a while after he uses the magic to transport all of us.

"Deadeye will be staying here with the two of you. I promise that Red and I will be back as soon as possible though," I honestly don't know how long it'll take. I am hoping it won't take long, though. I want to save Capsize as quickly as possible, after all. However, I am sure that this won't be easy. If this was going to be easy then, we wouldn't need to save Capsize because she would've saved herself. I have that much confidence in her. "Don't worry. Everything's going to be fine and when we come back, Capsize will be with us."

"Okay... Just stay safe," She says before letting me go. I'm not surprised that I'm the last person here. Red and I were the people who needed to pack, and I let him go ahead so I could talk with Ianita. I'm a little uncomfortable with everyone's eyes on me but I quickly correct that feeling. I have to get used to these people. If they help save Capsize then they can't be completely bad. Even if I still don't trust them. I think trust is going to take a long time after what they did to me.

There's a slightly uncomfortable air in the room as I join Red, who's sat just slightly away from the others. Red stares at his dad, a look in his eyes that tells me that he isn't okay with this situation. I'm not sure I can blame him. I don't know exactly what is going to Deadeye, but what I do know is that every time Capsize uses her transport magic on the two of us, she's exhausted. What will happen to him when he transports all of us? Will it be as bad as he made out?

"I'm ready," Deadeye says to Idlestorm. The way he talks is grave. That makes me feel so guilty. He's risking so much to do this. It's not fair. "If all of you are ready to go then, I can transport you."

"Dad... Please don't do this," Red almost seems to be begging. Despite that, there's a look in his eyes as if he already knows what's going to happen. I wish there was some other way for us to do this but if we don't use this magic, it could add weeks of extra travel time. We can't let Capsize wait for that long. I'm already terrified about what could have happened to her.

"It's okay, Red. Just find your sister," Deadeye says. I can already see the magic glowing around his hands. There's no stopping this now. So, I take Redbeard's arm. I know if he tries to interfere this situation will end up worse. He's already going to hate this situation, so I can at least try to make it easier for him.

It only takes moments for the magic to take effect. Oddly, it's different from when I'm transported by Capsize. It seems to be slower than though I can't tell if that's because of how many people are being transported or an actual difference in the magic. Either way, after a few seconds we're in a forest with the Champions of the Gods and the other two dragons. There's no going back now. 


The journey to save Capsize has started :D

I've been looking forward to writing this chapter for a while since there were some character interactions that I'm planning in some of the upcoming chapters that I am really looking forward too :-)

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, comments and feedback are welcome :D

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