Moonlight Festival

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I try not to look annoyed because I know that Lotus must have put in a lot of effort to get me a dress without even telling me but I really can't make myself feel good about this situation. She knows I prefer to sit out the Scale Festival as much as I can so why is she so insistent that I go to the dance? It's not like anyone will actually miss me or have expected me to be there in the first place.

"Come on Cap, you look great," Lotus says as I attempt to go back into my room. Why does it matter how I look? That's not something I was worried about and she knows it wasn't, but I feel guilty thinking about not going through since she's put effort into finding something for me to wear. The dress does look lovely, a yellow dress that's relatively plain, but still looks nice unlike a lot of dresses I've seen and it feels more comfortable around my wings rather than tight which is a real problem with a lot of my clothes. "Plus, people will miss you if you don't go."

"No one thinks I'm coming," It's true, Dad and Red know that I never go to the Scale Festival anymore and they've explained to Will that I'm not going. They've asked me if I'm sure, but they're fine with me staying at home as long as I don't cause any trouble. It's not as if I leave the tribe lands whenever it's time for the festival, I'd just prefer not to leave my room, especially not when there's the half-finished drawing on my wall. What if I forget the colour of the dragon when I'm at the dance and it has to sit there forever unfinished? I can't stand the idea of that.

"Well, that's not completely true. I know one person who will definitely miss you," Despite how Lotus doesn't say any names, I know she means Jordan. Lovely Jordan, who's been so excited about the festival, almost enough to make me happy when I hear him ask about it. He really wants me to go, that much I can tell, but he's never pushed too hard which I honestly think that might be making me feel worse for not being with him. I've introduced him to the other tribe traditions, why am I so scared to do the same for this one? "Just go for a little while, for Wolfie."

"That's not his name," I mutter under my breath and I see Lotus' smile grow as she realises that I'm not refusing to go. I still don't want to stay very long, but I want to make sure Jordan's okay. If anything goes wrong I can just leave and do what I always do. Maybe Jordan will get bored and come with me if he doesn't though I won't force him, he has a right to enjoy the festival even if I don't want to.

Lotus excitedly takes my hand, leading me towards the front door. She's basically flying, her wings flapping faster than I thought possible even for her. Despite how even after we leave I know there's still a good minute of walking before we get to where the dance is, I still feel sick with every step closer we get to leaving the house. Yet, when we do leave, the night air hitting my face, I don't feel as scared as I was inside.

As we get to the centre of the tribe, I have to admit it's beautiful. Lanterns are strung above what's a makeshift dance floor, bathing the area in purple light. Each of the tables around the area is decorated in different but equally brilliant ways that I remember always amazed me as a child. It's confusing to me, having not attended this part of the festival for a few years yet Lotus weaves through the tables as if it's second nature to her. She stops suddenly, making me stumble.

"Look who I brought," I blink, not quite realising what's going on for a few moments but I blush as soon as I realise we're at the table that everyone else in my family is sitting at along with Jordan. While Red's a little distracted by Will, Dad smiles at me, seeming happy to see me, but Jordan just stares at me with such emotion on his face that I find myself blushing and avoiding his eyes.

"You look beautiful," I feel myself blush more as Jordan stands up and takes my hands. I can feel myself becoming embarrassed because I'm sure people are staring at me despite how Jordan isn't really making a scene. He's dressed so nicely (not that he ever looks bad) despite how I didn't really give him any detailed description of what he should wear. "Do you want to dance?"

I feel words catch in my throat as I realise what he's asking. Dance? I mean, I certainly wouldn't mind and it's not as if there's no one else doing so, but I can just picture something going wrong and me ending up embarrassed as I often am. Somehow, though, in his arms, I feel safe. So I wordlessly nod, letting Jordan led me to the dance floor, finding myself feeling happy despite how nervous I feel being out here. Maybe with Jordan, this won't be so bad.


So I wanted to write something with a little less angst than the previous chapters so I decided to back to something that was mentioned in one of the previous chapters and write it as a part. Hopefully, this is less angsty than a few of the previous chapter :-)

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, comments and feedback are welcome :D

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