Dancing Discussions

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I find myself lost for what do do with myself given the situation. I was sure this was going to be a normal day but as soon as Capsize woke up I was proven wrong. After a few months here I thought I was prepared for anything but Capsize waking up crying, unable to be consoled, I was proved wrong. She seemed so scared, more scared than I've ever seen her before. As soon as Redbeard found out he took her to Elder Idlestorm but he wouldn't tell me why she was so upset.

Since then I've been sat outside hoping that the fresh air will clear my mind. It hasn't worked but right now I don't feel like going inside. Honestly facing Redbeard right now sounds nauseating. Not because I don't like the man but just how he looked this morning. The amount of guilt that was on his features when he looked at Capsize, it honestly scared me.

"You okay, Wolfie?" I turn surprised when I hear a voice, not sure who would actually be talking to me. Despite being here for quite a while, no one outside of Capsize's family really interacts with me. They still see me as an outsider, I know that. Surprising I do recognise the woman standing in front of me.

"Lotus right?" I ask a little nervous. I've seen her around quite a bit and I think she's friends with Capsize and Redbeard. I've not really talked with her a lot myself. Yet she looks at me with a smile.

"That's right, Wolfie," She says as she sits next to me. I try not to question the nickname since everyone uses them around here and instead try to focus on the woman who's sitting down. Like nearly every fairy I've seen, she has darker skin and wings (hers looks like they're from a bird). Like Redbeard, she has red hair but its lighter in colour sort of pink. She's always seemed friendly enough. "So you gonna tell me why you've been moping out here for the past hour?"

"An hour? Really? Anyway, Capsize was crying this morning and she's with the Elder right now so I don't really have anything to do," I explain after the slight panic at how weird I must look having been out here for so long. The reason of why I'm out here in the first place doesn't do me any favours. Lotus frowns with a knowing look.

"She's probably just had a nightmare. I wouldn't worry too much, Idlestorm's probably just calming her down," It takes a second for exactly what she said to click. A nightmare is what I couldn't figure out. Am I really that dumb? I even know about her trouble telling dreams and visions apart so of course a nightmare would cause this kind of reaction. Lotus smiles at me. "It's nice that you're worried though. Capsize will probably glow a little brighter for a few days if she finds out."

"Why?" I ask, feeling a little dumb as Lotus laughs. I know that fairies basically run on emotions but that doesn't mean that my emotions should affect Capsize. She is beautiful when she glows though, not least because her glow is always brightest when she's at her least anxious. I know the two things are linked, just not exactly how. It does make it hard to think about the old tale about a fairy dying from a broken heart.

"Because... well, you know what I have a better plan," She says instead of answering my question. She shifts a little closer to me, looking around as if someone listening would be a bad thing. "Has Capsize told you about the scale festival?"

"Yeah, it's in a few weeks and it's a festival about the lost goddess. They'll be food and dancing, that kind of stuff," Capsize made it sound pretty normal. I was still excited though since I've never really been to festivals given how I lived. It sounded like it would be some fun at least but Capsize didn't really seem to think so. She seemed nervous just talking about it.

"Well, she at least told you about it. Capsize doesn't exactly like the festival but I think maybe this year we can change that," Lotus seems weirdly positive about this. Why try and make Capsize enjoy something that she doesn't like? I mean, I'd like to be with her during the festival but if she doesn't want to I can make do. I'd even just stay with her if she wanted. Maybe I'm just a pushover. "See after an... I'll say incident a few years ago, Capsize stopped liking the festival but if you take her she might actually enjoy it again."

"Why did she stop liking it in the first place?" 'Incident' is about as vague as you can get. Anything could've happened but the way Lotus looks I feel like it must have been serious. She avoids eye contact with me making it even more obvious this incident isn't something to be taken lightly.

"It's really not my place to say or Capsize's for that matter. You'll find out eventually, I'm sure you'll be told when the person is comfortable enough with you. Sorry, I shouldn't have even mentioned it," She murmurs under her breath looking at the door of the house we're outside for some reason. I guess this isn't a conversation we should be having so if someone came out... I'll just hope they don't. "But either way, you want to help Capsize have a good time at the festival for once?"

"Depends how I'd do that," I'm honestly not sure how I'd get Capsize to enjoy the festival. Even if she'd be happy I don't want to do anything that could harm her in the long run. Lotus smiles at me.

"All you need to do is dress up nicely and dance with her at the festival," I blink. It can't be that easy, can it? It shouldn't be anyway, she'd like the festival again already if she just wanted to dance with somebody. Yet as Lotus talks I find myself smiling thinking about dancing with Capsize so maybe I'll go along with this plan. After all, what's the harm in it?


So I hope this chapter is okay even though it's mainly focused on an OC. I tend to be a little nervous when introducing them but hopefully, Lotus is okay in the chapter. I do have a design for her that I posted a little while ago in Story Ideas/First Chapters in a chapter called Original Character Design. It's a non-fairy drawing of her but it's a picture if you want to see her design.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter and feel free to ask any question :D

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