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I try to ignore the chained being in the middle of the circle as I prepare my ingredients. It's becoming a chore at this point, with the number of times I've done it. Doing the same ritual every mouth of every year for the past fifteen years. It's odd that even a dangerous ritual that someone's life basically depends on can become dull. Seeing the half-life creature is more of an annoyance, a chore, than it should be. Listening to it is just a monthly task.

"You don't need to do this you," I roll my eyes hearing the same excuses it always makes. I know what it is. If I let it go, even after all this time, it'll go and do what it was summoned to. Normally that wouldn't be a problem but given what it was summoned for I can't let it complete its task. "You can just let me fade away."

"We both know that'll only happen when you complete your task and, unsurprising, I don't condone kidnapping," I never did find out who summoned it. Whoever they are, they aren't someone I want to be able to summon half-lives. What kind of a person collected people? ...Well, I guess Tom but he asks permission most of the time and doesn't abduct people.

"Come on, she's not a child anymore," I try not to feel disgusted that its defence relies on time having passed. It shouldn't be surprising since its defences are always terrible (I thought they'd get better over the years) but knowing that I found it attempting to kidnap a child doesn't help. Hopefully, she's forgotten by now. Hopefully, I'm the only person who needs to remember this.

"Doesn't mean you can abduct her," I mutter as I start putting the items for the ritual into place. Each piece going into the place I know it needs to go in.  A single thing wrong and it won't work. I need it to work. I've never gotten it wrong before so this time shouldn't be any different. So long as I keep calm I'll always do this right. Then why do I feel so paranoid?

The more items I put into place the more nervous I feel, knowing it's following my every movement. I should just ignore it, I know that, but I don't. I don't stop paying attention to it as it laughs and starts to glow, I just don't have time to stop it. There's an explosion, then the world goes black.


"I think he's waking up," I hear Sonja's voice in my head as I start to feel again. My head pounds with every word she says but it's something to concentrate on in order to wake myself up. It hurts my head but at least she's quiet.

"Oh, thank gods. Tucker! That stuff your boyfriend gave you worked!" Tom shouts the last part which makes me want to move away from him but there isn't really enough room for me to do so. I guess if I'm in bed that makes sense though I can't imagine why I'd be there.

"He's not my boyfriend! You know that you- You know what I'm not having this conversation again!" Tucker's further away, making the shouting make sense. I try to figure out who Tucker's 'boyfriend' is. I knew at one point, I'm sure about that, but it's been months. It must have slipped my mind. Is that bad?

"Tom, don't you have a shouting match when Wag's recovering from an explosion," Explosion? What explos- Oh gods! I shoot up ignoring the splitting pain in my head as I start trying to move to my ritual room. It can't be too late. I have to finish it or else... She'll be...

"Wag, calm down. You've been out for a week, you can't be moving about straight away."

"A week...?" I force out after hearing Tom's worried statement. I can't have been out for that long... not when I didn't finish. After a week it's surely found the girl again and completed its task. There's no way to track it down (it'll have disappeared after the completion of its task). After all the time I've failed to make sure it stays trapped. I couldn't save her from it. All of this was just delaying it.


So this is a short part since I didn't want to add too much to this just because when I thought it was fine as it was.

I don't really have much to say about it but if you have any questions feel free to ask

I hope you enjoyed :D

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