The Royal Twins

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"We can't attack the dragon! We don't have the strength for that, and if we fail just imagine what the consequences will be!"

"So, we're supposed to do what? Wait for it to attack us? For it to kidnap my son?"

"Will you two have a conversation without arguing? This is serious and it'll be a lot easier if you two aren't yelling at each other."

I hear my Grandfather silence both my Aunt and Father through the door. They've been like this for hours, ever since I explained what I saw in the ruins. They locked themselves in the war room to discuss what to do about the dragon. I thought I'd be allowed to join in with the discussion since I was the one to find out about the whole situation but instead, I'm locked out of the room and listening through the door.

It's frustrating, I'm being treated like a child. I thought when I finally became an adult, they'd stop treating me like this but even now at nineteen, I'm being excluded from major things that will affect me. I know I wasn't supposed to have been at the ruins at all but I didn't expect to find anything dangerous. I was shocked to find the dragon and the fairy he'd imprisoned since the ruins are meant to be completely abandoned. They didn't exactly look lived in.

"You have to consider the consequences if we don't act too, Martha. Do you think that fairy appeared out of thin air? I don't want a bunch of indestructible, magical creatures thinking we left one of them to the mercy of a dragon," I frown at my Father's description of fairies. Technically what he said is correct but it certainly feels wrong. He's been like this towards non-humans for as long as I can remember. That doesn't make it feel any less uncomfortable though. Whether someone is human or not doesn't affect how they act. I wish he understood that. I'm sure that it will end with him getting himself or the kingdom into trouble at some point. Also, I know it's just going to cause another argument between him and Martha.

I lean away from the door. Why do I honestly doubt at this point that they'll agree on anything? Father and Aunt Martha always just argue, no matter the consequences of doing nothing. While Grandfather Spark does come up with ideas, at this point he's stuck peacekeeping despite the fact he's in charge. Honestly, I wonder if they would've come up with a solution already if I had been imprisoned by the dragon, as much as I am glad that the fairy helped me escape. I somehow doubt they would've, though.

"Hey, Andor! Over here!" I look up to see my twin sister leading around the corner, clearly trying to avoid getting anyone else's attention. I have no idea what she might want to talk to me about but I'm sure it's more interesting than continuing to eavesdrop. I go over to her, trying not to make any noise they might hear inside the war room. At least Alva might actually listen to me. I follow her around the corner and down the corridor into an empty room. She hops up onto a table where she sits down and taps the spot next to her for me to join her. Despite knowing we'll be in trouble if we're found sitting here, I do join her. "So, they're still arguing, aren't they?"

"Obviously. This is a situation that needs to be solved quickly so they haven't agreed once," Alva laughs and it makes me feel a little better. I might have been nearly imprisoned by a dragon but at least we can still laugh. I'm not sure I'd still be sane living here if not for her.

"Well, good, because I've got a plan unlike them," She says with a smirk. It isn't a surprise to me when she pulls out a crystal hand mirror. I knew her plan would involve her magic but that doesn't mean I'm any less interested in what it is. Even if her plans don't always go well, Alva always attempts to do something, which is more than I can see for a lot of people. "That fairy you met; did you get her name?"

"Yes, I think so, she said it was Capsize," I have to admit that I found her name odd but I'm sure she could say the same thing about me. Alva nods, pulling out a piece of chalk I know she uses for rituals. I'm not sure what she's going to do with only the mirror and the chalk but I do trust her. "What are you planning?"

"Well, an imprisoned fairy who, at least goingby your description, isn't fading can't have been imprisoned for very long. Sothat should mean that people will be looking for her. So..." She draws a rune onthe mirror which causes it to begin to glow. She smiles at me. "Let's find somepeople who will help."


So, it's been a while since I've updated. Which is totally my fault, university has kept me busy both with actual work and also with societies.

Also, Mianite seems to have come back in the time I was gone. I haven't actually managed to catch any of the new series, finishing up my assessments (even if they were now online) so I don't really know anything about it, so I'm really sorry if there is information in the new series that I am obviously too.

Hope you enjoyed :-)

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