Lonely Company

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The more we prepare for this journey, the more nervous I get about it. I haven't shared my concerns with the others but that isn't because I don't want them to know but because I don't want to bother them when they're preparing themselves. This trip isn't just stressful for me so I shouldn't bother the others with my nerves. So I've left them to prepare in their own ways while I attempt to rid myself of my nerves.

I wonder if Tom knows how nervous I'm feeling, that's one of the things he often does know. Even if he did though he's being watched by Mot so closely I don't think he'll be able to do anything to comfort me even if he really wants to. I really don't mind being by myself though since I've never really minded when my thoughts wander.

"Are you alright? You've been by yourself for quite a while," The voice that hits my ears that belongs to the older male fairy, the father of both Redbeard and the missing fairy, Capsize. I think they called him Deadeye which doesn't sound like a name but none of the fairies really to have normal names. He seems to be nice enough though and he is the fairy here I actually recognise even if it was such a long time ago.

"I'm fine, I'd prefer not to make anyone else nervous," I say as the man sits across from me. I half-expected him to leave but he doesn't, allowing me to take in his appearance. He doesn't look much different than the other fairies, though that's quite reasonable seeing how he's related to two of the ones I've seen. He has brown hair and stubble which, despite how fairies are usually thought of, is quite well kept and doesn't look at all wild. His eyes are bright green with dark circles under them, making him look tired even without the other signs, how dim his glow is compared to every other fairy I've come across and how the dragonfly wings on his back hang limply.

"You know, I didn't recognise you at first but you don't look any older than you did back then," I honestly feel a little embarrassed that he recognises me from back them. I shouldn't because I recognise him too, the man who held the young fairy tightly as the half-life came towards them. I had always wondered what would've happened if I hadn't been there but I push the thoughts out of my head. The worst has already happened, don't imagine it did years ago. "I always assumed you were human but clearly I was wrong."

"I am mostly human, I was born completely human," Deadeye laughs, not like he doesn't believe me but like he's heard similar stories. The idea of that is sort of amazing to me because I've never meant someone like me, I didn't think anyone would be stupid enough to do what I did, but if he's reaching like this then there must be others. "A ritual I was doing went wrong, ended up mixing my blood with a demon's."

"It seems every 'human' magic user in the world has a similar story. None that I've met have managed to stay completely human," I feel a smile on my face. I'm not the only one, I'm not even in the minority. Gods, this makes me feel so much better about that ritual. I mean, I know it has let me live a lot longer than I would've as a human but I still felt embarrassed about it but if it happens to nearly every magic user then I don't have to. "There was something I wanted to ask you though, about this whole situation."

"Of course, I'll answer any question if I can," I know I won't be able to answer every question, some of them just aren't things I know. I don't want to disappoint him though, not when his child is the person who is missing.

"The person who took Capsize, how powerful are they? I know it probably sounds stupid because of how many of you there are, but my daughter should have been able to get out of anywhere, her transport magic is especially strong for someone her age," I honestly do feel a little scared when he says that. I honestly don't know how powerful the person behind all this is but summoning a half-life, stopping someone else from using magic, whoever they are they aren't to be trifled with. Even so, I know one thing from Tom constantly reassuring himself.

"I don't know how powerful they are, though I'd guess on the higher end of the scale, but I do know they haven't hurt her. I promise you, it's going to stay that way."


I hope you liked the chapter, comments and feedback is welcome :)

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