Meeting With an Empty Chair (Part 1)

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"So does anyone need me to go back over the rules?" Mot asks with crossed arms, looking over each one of us. Of course, he has a reason to be acting like this even if it definitely feels like we're being treated like children. That idea is more insulting given the fact that Alyssa is stood next to Mot being the only one not being told off. I can slightly understand why he's angry since he's basically being forced to clean up the mess we made but it's not as if we aren't helping him.

"I think my rule is unfair," Tom mutters, his pouting making it seem that maybe us being treated like children maybe isn't unreasonable. Tom doesn't ever react well to rules though so I can't say it's unsurprising that he's acting this way. However, it doesn't make it easier that Mot is definitely using him as the standard for the rest of us. Then again Tom is the only person with his own rule so maybe Mot's just angry with him imparticular. "It's not like hoarding people is going to hurt them."

"You are not hoarding any more people from this tribe because Dia will kill me. Even if he doesn't he'll be complaining about you for weeks which is very fun since you don't live with us," Mot says, his tone showing how close he is to actually killing Tom this time. Tom pouts some more, making me sigh and take his hand. He probably just doesn't understand why he's in trouble when he's been trying to help fix this.

"I hate to interrupt but who are you lot?" A voice comes which, when I see the owner of it, I feel a pip in my stomach. It's a young woman with a pinkish colour hair and hummingbird wings on her back and two short swords hanging from her belt.  A fairy, well at least we have a way in now. She eyes all of us, eyes holding on Tucker for quite a while (not weird behaviour since he's showing literally no skin) before settling her gaze on Sonja. "Well, at least I won't get in trouble for one of you being here."

"Yes... er, I'm Sonja," She says, holding out her hand. The fairy shakes it, a loose smile on her face as she looks among us. While Sonja, a fae, will be allowed into the tribe lands, it'll be hard for the rest of us to be allowed since fairies have strict rules for these things. I can't even imagine how the werewolf got to be allowed to stay here.

"Lotus. I hope you don't mind me asking what you're doing here, we've had a rough few weeks," While she smiles, she's clearly trying to hide her true feelings. Though maybe it wouldn't be so clear if I didn't know what she was hiding, that the girl had been taken.

"We were hoping to talk to your elder," Sonja tries to appear as if she knows what she's talking about rather than just repeating back what Mot said we were going to do. Lotus bites her lip, her whole body tensing as she clearly can't do what we want her to.

"I... I know Redbeard if that helps," Tucker speaks up. Lotus freezes but suddenly she smiles after looking Tucker up and down. She laughs a little.

"That actually does, give me a few minutes to see what I can do."



I don't dare open the door as I can hear Jordan on the other side. He's been in there for days, crying as he attempts to find any clue Capsize might've left behind. None of us have exactly been doing well but it's hit Jordan the hardest. He was the last person to see her after all. He's so sure that he could've done something to stop the situation. I can't fault his way of thinking even if he shouldn't be blaming himself because he's just trying to cope.

Cope... I'm thinking like she's dead. She isn't dead though, I'm sure about that. Capsize knew this was going to happen, she told Will and 'Nita she was going anyway. If she thought she was going to die she wouldn't have kept it a secret, I'm sure she wouldn't. She even told Jordan that she needed to do something alone minutes before she disappeared if she was going to die she wouldn't have left him without telling him something. The one undeniable thing is Capsize knew something was going to happen to her but didn't do anything to stop it from happening. What could've happened? What could she have seen to think that she needed to... why couldn't tell us?

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