The Other One

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Even though I know I must look stupid, I can't say I want to stop pouting as Dianite looks at me. He's going to tell me off or lecture me because I can't do all the things Mot can. It's not fair I can do things Mot can't, I just sometimes accidentally do things wrong. I don't mean to, it's just that I can't always control things like how much acid I make, even if Mot says it'll come easily when I get older, it doesn't stop me making holes in cups without meaning to.

"Do you know why I want to talk to you, Tom?" Dianite says, the tone of his voice not giving me any clues as to how much trouble I'm in. I prefer it when he shouts, that way I know how much trouble I'll be in (and he ends up feeling bad because he knows that I accidentally end up feeling his feelings of anger towards me). Now though, he just sounds serious, too serious like when I'm in trouble but he's not angry. It doesn't feel right though, I can't feel the waves of disappointment coming off him.

"I... I melted another cup," It's the only thing I can think of that I did wrong, another accident with my acid. I did try not to bite the cup this time. How was I meant to realise that it would happen again though? I don't melt food though so I don't understand when I keep melting cups. Dianite looks surprised at my answer and I find myself shrinking in my chair. I've gotten myself into more trouble, haven't I? I should've just said that I didn't know, then I'd just be in the amount of trouble that I originally was.

"No, of course not, you can't help that. This is about how we're going to visit my brother tomorrow and stay with him for a few days," I tilt my head. Dianite has a brother? I try to think about what he could be like because I don't remember anyone mentioning him. I'm sure that he must be nice though because if they weren't then why would Dianite be taking me to see him? "I just need you to promise me that, at least on this trip, you won't let anyone know that you hoard people."

"Why?" Dianite said that my hoarding made me special because not many dragons have the willpower to hoard people. Why doesn't he want me to tell people about it? Maybe Mot's right that I don't know how to control my hoarding. Dianite's never said anything like that but he's not a dragon like Mot is. It must be important though because he still looks serious.

"Mianite won't like that I'm raising another dragon that hoards people. I can't blame him after what happened last time but you're different from Furia, I know you are," Dianite kneels next to me, a weak smile on his face. I don't know who he's talking about, he's never mentioned a person named Furia before. Why aren't they here like Mot? Why hasn't Mot mentioned them either? Dianite seems to sigh, trying to avoid my eyes. What happened? "I wish, I didn't have to talk to you about this when you're so young."

He goes over to the bookshelf, looking at a box with a pained look in his eyes. He takes out a key, taking the padlock off making it the first time I've ever seen the box unlocked. I find myself feeling extremely nervous about what I'm going to be shown. He's told me never to touch that box so I thought it had something dangerous in it. Yet Dianite is showing me what's inside it so maybe it's not dangerous like I thought it was. He places down a few pieces of paper on the desk in front of me which I realise are pictures, portraits, like the one that Dianite has of me and Mot. I don't recognise the person in the picture, though, not their human or their dragon form. Maybe Mot does but he's never mentioned another dragon.

"Before I found you there was another dragon that I was raising, Furia. He was like you in a way, he hoarded people rather than objects but he wasn't like you in the way he did it. He was processive and controlling and the last time I saw him, he felt was unique and he also stole something... very precious from Mianite. I don't want you getting into trouble because of him, you don't deserve that."

I don't quite understand what Dianite is talking about but I do know that whoever this Furia is, thinking about him makes Dianite sad. Dianite shouldn't have to be sad... so, I'll make sure that he never has to think about him! I don't know how I'll do that but I want to. So I'll find a way because then he'll be happy. I just want people to be happy.


So this is set when Tom is a child, quite a while before the main story. I'm not sure the exact amount of time because I haven't got an exact age in my mind for Tom (only a loose idea that he is much older than he appears because of how long childhood is for dragons) but it's definitely at least a few decades before the main story.

Also, I want to make the note here that, because my main experience of dragons is D&D, the dragons don't all breath fire which is why Tom mentions having acid. I don't think I've mentioned this before, so I thought putting it here would be best.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, comments and feedback are welcome :D

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