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I walk through the streets, hood up to shadow my face, hoping that people aren't staring. It's paranoia talking I know, no one cares if someone has their hood up but I'm sure they can tell. If they did know they wouldn't want me here. No one ever really does want a blood-sucker of any kind in their town, not just vampires. They shouldn't find out though, I'm only here for a short time, shorter than it took to travel here.

If they do find out about me, Wag's at least here so he won't let them kill me. It's odd to think that the man walking beside me is the most human person I'm friends with, having cursed himself to be what he is rather than being born with his condition. It's also not obvious what he is from the moment the sun directly hits him so he doesn't have to take twenty minutes prepping before he leaves the house (and takes that advantage unlike the other people I live with).

"You're not worrying are you?" He asks as if there aren't a hundred people in this town who would very much like to see a vampire burning to ash. I don't see why he can't grow his ingredients himself, save the monthly journey here. "If you worry every time we come here, I'll stop bringing you."

"Wag please, this is the only thing that stops Tom dragging me to seeing Mot and Alyssa every month rather than every three," As much as I feel nervous coming here it's easier to prepare for than a trip to see a dragon family. Not that Tom's family are terrible but it's hard to cope when I'm not part of the relationship with Tom, Sonja, and Wag. I don't want to be in it but I always feel unnecessary when I'm on trips with all of them.

"Not really, he just likes taking as many people as possible because of his hoarding problem," Wag laughs as he says one of Tom's biggest problems. Unlike Mot and Alyssa who have hoards of inanimate objects, Tom hoards people. It's part of the reason he was so happy to date both Wag and Sonja and also why he insists that I come on every trip with him everyone else is going.

"Am I getting the same as last time?" I decide to get this over with, the conversation isn't going anywhere so I might as well get on with this. As soon as Wag nods, I make a turn away from him and a beeline towards the spice stall I visited last time. If we can just get all the stuff for his work we can leave this town for another month.

It doesn't take long to get the spices I know Wag uses in his rituals and potions. It almost seems like this trip might be uneventful but then someone runs into me. Someone runs into me and accidentally knocks me to the ground making my hood falling down. The moment the sun touches my face pain forces its way through my body as my skin starts burning uncontrollably.

The world goes dark almost immediately as the pain to my eye forces me to close it, only for my eyelid to then burn to a point where it can't move. I can feel people gather around me even so and while there's no shouts or screams of what I am, no one helps me. They stand around murmuring as I try to claw my hood back over my head. Until the pain is numbed from something thrown over my head and someone picks me up yet for the life of me I can't figure out why.

Wherever I'm put I must be inside because the cover is pulled off me but the pain doesn't fully return. There are voices around me but they're blurry, faded and out of context, apart from one. A strong male voice, taking charge of the situation while also comforting me.

"Stay still okay. I'm going to fix your burns but you need to stay still," He says it calmly enough that even blind I feel safe. I hear a few other things happening but after a short sound of pain from the man, I feel the dull pain I still have melting away. Slowly, I feel my face able to move again as the burns seem to disappear until my eyelids feel like they can open safely. "There, wouldn't want you to burn to death on my watch."

The man glows, warmth coming from him and making me feel safe. He has messy red hair and a beard to match. Green eyes are focused on me and filled with concern. For a few short moments, I wonder how a human could give off an aura like this until I see dragonfly wings folded on his back, a fairy.

"Is there anyone you came with, I wouldn't want to just send you away alone," Thoughts fly around my head, unable to be organised. I know that I have to answer, I can't lie, but I don't want to leave, not yet anyway.

"Wag, my friend. He went to buy plants," Despite my vague answer, the man nods. It occurs to me, in a slight panic, that he almost definitely knows the town better than I do yet he doesn't go straight to leave. Instead, he turns to a young child (his son by the looks of it) and kneels next to him.

"Will, go to the plant stalls and ask around for anyone who came with a vampire, when you find 'Wag' bring him back here and I'll get you and 'Nita a treat," The boy nods and (literally) sets off flying out the door. I'd be impressed if I didn't realise that I just sent a fairy child to look for a part-demonblood in a town full of humans who didn't care about me nearly dying. I scramble towards the door, attempting to get after him when a hand touches my shoulder and stops me. "If anyone in this town hurts him they're ending their deal for medical supplies. I'm Redbeard, one of the fairies from the nearby tribe."

"Tucker," I don't add my title to the end, not wanting to scare him off. The gods don't need everyone to know I work for them (they can't stop me from hiding it anyway). Redbeard smiles, shaking my hand. It's weird to have someone treat me with such a friendly manner right after meeting me. "Aren't you scared of me?"

"Of course not," He laughs, taking a few steps back to get some space from me. Even though he's moved away he doesn't seem scared or any less open to me. If anything he's more expressive, almost dance-like in his movement. "I'm not really scared of anything since my sister brought a werewolf into the tribe."

"Werewolf?" I'm intrigued and confused, werewolves aren't really seen outside their own packs. There are some lone wolves but they tend to be pretty hostile to the idea of joining groups in the first place.

"Yeah, she found him two years or so ago and thought he was the one who was meant to bring back the lost goddess. She's lucky the elders agreed the runes tattooed on him meant something," He continues on about his sister, the werewolf, and the two children they look after but all I can think of is the wolf that we found with fey tattoos a few months ago. We just assumed he was a lone wolf who has heard a story or two and thought highly of himself but if he was a fairy tribe member, oh gods we messed up.


So this ministory doesn't make sense thinking about it but seemed like a good idea when writing it so I I did it. I sort of realised that I was making questions when writing but that's never stopped me before so I continued to make more.

As for a few things I do want to say:

a) I have no idea if this is meant to be shippy or not, I'll probably decide later
b) Despite how both Ianite and Will (my OC from another story) are in this, neither are Ianite's kids in this
c) This takes place a few months after Shimmering Memories
d) Yes, Wag did accidentally make himself a demon

I hope you enjoyed the chapter :D

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