Chained Belonging

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I've just got to be brave. That's what I keep telling myself because I know Jordan will come and find me (he has to, I saw him trying to find me). It's hard to keep myself thinking positive though given what's happened so far. I didn't realise that the creature wasn't the scariest thing I would face. The thing that made the creature, however, is much scarier.

They look like a man but I can tell that they're far more powerful than any human. No human could make a chain like the one connecting my ankle to the wall. I'm sure that the chain is the thing that's making me unable to use my magic. It's probably why I feel so tired too. Though I can't prove anything given the situation I'm in. Even if I weren't chained to the wall, I wouldn't be having a good time in this place. Not when I'm being treated like an animal.

The fact that I haven't seen the man since I woke up makes me think I'm not going to see him at all today which is a relief in a lot of ways. It gives me time to recover from my last encounter with him as well as attempt a few ways of breaking the chain holding me here. If nothing else, I can sleep to try to recover from the near exhaustion I've been feeling. The only downside is that given I'm alone I can't stop my mind wandering to terrible places. Honestly, though that's the less of my worries, especially since spending a day without the man is preferable to one with him.

A noise echoing from outside the room makes me jump back from the lock I was attempting to pick. I guess he is coming, after all, I pick up the make-shift tool I have been using, attempting to figure out anywhere I can hide it. If I don't then gods knows what he'll do to me. Just because I heal quickly doesn't mean the injuries don't hurt.

"Hello...?" I hear an unfamiliar voice echo into the room and find myself staring towards the door. It isn't the man, it's someone else. Is that even possible? Should I let them know I'm here? I stand up, taking a few steps towards the entrance of the room hearing the chain rattle with every step I take despite how it isn't really close to being pulled tight. I can't find my voice though, scared that any noise I make could alert the wrong person. "Whoever's there, I'm not afraid of-"

They freeze in the doorway staring at me. I take another step towards them as I realise I'm looking at someone younger than myself. The stranger is a boy who's probably seventeen (if I had to guess). It takes me a few moments to realise that he's a human, he must be, because of the bruise around his eye. I mean, there are probably other things about him that I should have noticed but the wings on his back don't exactly scream human. I'm quite sure that he isn't a fairy though.

"Oh, dear gods. Are you okay? Who's done this to you?" He says, rushing over to me when he sees the chain. He didn't just assume that I'm stupid or did something to deserve this. I... I can't believe it. I lower myself to the ground when I realise he's kneeling, fiddling with the lock connecting the chain to my ankle. I take his hand, attempting to stop him from wasting his time.

"You won't be able to get it off, I've tried," He looks at me surprised. It probably does sound surprising but given that I'm pretty sure it isn't a normal chain or lock, I don't want him to do something that could hurt him. He's so young and if he's caught here, I don't want to know what the man will do to him. "You shouldn't be here. If he finds you here, I... I don't know what he'll do to you."

"What do you... Who's keeping you here?" I attempt to tell him the name I heard the man say only to find myself drawing a blank. I know he said a name, he introduced himself, but whenever I try to think of it, I can't recall anything. The teenager looks concerned and I try not to look too upset even though I know I should know the man's name. "My name is Andor. What's your name?"

"Capsize... My name is Capsize," I introduce myself, happy that I can say that at least. Andor smiles at me and for the first time since I arrived in this place, I actually feel like a person. Yet almost as soon as I feel that, I panic as I realise Andor could still be found at any moment if the man comes to check on me. I can't let that happen. Even if I don't want to be alone, I can't let someone else be found by the man. "You need to leave. He'll find you and I don't know what he'll do."

"Who? I want to help you so please-"

"My, my, a human who dares to enter my lair? Why little prince, it's so nice of you to volunteer for my horde," I look up in shock at the man, seeing his eyes light up with terrifying delight as he stares at Andor. I move on instinct gripping the make-shift lockpick as I know there's only one thing I can do to keep this innocent human safe. I scratch the tool against the man's face, ignoring the sickening feeling in my chest as he screams out in pain. I only have a few moments, I know I can't have longer than that, so I turn to Andor.

"Run!" I don't need to give him any other instructions now that he understands the danger he's in. All I feel is complete relief as I see him rushing out of the room, as I hear his rapid footsteps getting further and further away. Even being thrown against the wall can't dampen my happiness at knowing I've saved someone from a terrible fate. Even if I know what's going to happen next isn't going to be pleasant, at less I'm the only person who's going to have to suffer through it.


So I had a lot of fun writing this chapter, I've done a lot of planning for what's been happening to Capsize while the others have all been interacting. Andor being introduced has also been something I've been looking forward too (though I was playing around with a couple of different situations for his introduction, I settled on this one).

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, comments and feedback are welcome :D

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