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"Come on, you need to see," Alyssa says as she leads me through the rooms of her and Mot's home. I feel my smile growing as she does so, wondering what kind of plant she's grown this time. She's only ever this excited about her flowers. I understand why. It's the same excitement I feel about my horde. Even though I don't have the same connection to the plants as her I understand the feeling she gets when even just thinking about them and that's enough to make me smile.

I've seen her and Mot's hordes before. Obviously I have with how often I visit them and the fact I lived with them for quite a while. They're seen (well, met) mine too so it's fair that I see their hordes too. I think it makes us closer together, as dragons go, but that's just opinion, I don't really know for sure. If sharing makes Alyssa as happy as it makes me then I'm up for looking at her ever-expanding collection of plants.

It's always somewhat overwhelming to step into her greenhouse, the smell so different from the rest of the house. It's much bigger than a normal greenhouse, split into sections with different temperatures in each one. It would cost a normal person a fortune with the amount of magic is uses but Dianite isn't one to worry about price. It's odd to think about Dianite paying for all this (it's honestly still odd thinking that I was basically raised by a god) but that's essentially what he did, he provides me and Mot with everything we could ever need.

Alyssa continues leading me until we're in front of a bush that I've seen her tending a few times but if she's showing me now it must have flowered. She reaches for a certain part of the bush, pulling a branch forward carefully to show me.

"It finally flowered and Dad said you know how to de-thorn roses,"  Alyssa says, showing me a bloomed yellow rose. I feel a brief warmth in my chest that I try to ignore as I know it's just that a member has a connection to roses. I instead try to focus on Alyssa's smile, her fangs visible due to how wide it is, and I smile back at her.

"Sure, I don't mind-"

"Tom, are you in here?" I hear Mot call. I give Alyssa an apologetic look as I turn back towards the way we came in. I really do want to stay with her but, given what I asked Mot to do I can't leave him hanging. Hopefully, he's got the news from Dianite about the werewolf.

"Yeah, I'm here," I call, moving towards where he's standing. While I've not always got along with him, he's family (as close as I have anyway) and he's always going to be there. His close relationship with Dianite is also sort of useful for situations where I really need the god to know something quickly, like this whole werewolf situation. It didn't even start as something that needed Dianite but with how far it's progressed in such a short amount of time I needed the message send as quickly as possible. As soon as I get close enough, Mot grabs my arm and pulls me towards him. "Not good news then? Was messing with the werewolf that bad?"

"That bad?! I thought Dia was going to explode! The tribe that took him in is apparently the only one with any leads on finding the lost goddess and now I have to go back with you to sort this mess out!" Mot starts, making my nerves worse as I think about what sorting the situation out could entail, even if the werewolf is already back with the tribe. I start to respond but suddenly a splitting pain goes through my head. I start to panic, trying to connect to every member of my horde to figure out who's in trouble but with the pain, it's hard to concentrate long enough to form the connection. I don't know how I end up on my knees or even when Mot stopped talking but in the moment of realisation, I make sure to get out what words I need to.

"We have to go back now."


So this is a little shorter than I originally intended but seeing as there's only one more part until the part that's almost definitely going to be much longer than all the previous ones hopefully that's okay.

I hope you enjoyed and any questions are welcome :D

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